Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Snow? What? Again? March 30?

And now there is SNOW! Like lots of snow. Like inches. Like I totally wasn't expecting it at all. I think the weather said a 20% chance of RAIN, so I didn't even think about it as an issue today. It started during science class when we were going to go outside for an experiment, but the wind was blowing so hard, and the kids didn't have winter coats since it was sunny this morning, so we went back in. I'm not that devoted to science!

Yesterday was non-stop all day. I worked on science prep in the morning, then walked after lunch, then went to UV, then went to Ehler's to help her with homework, then picked up Abby and EDP and took EDP home, then took Abby to dance, then went to Panera to meet Alycia and Angie. Then picked Abby up at 9:30pm and home. Whew! I was too tired to blog.

After talking to Angie and Alycia, I was thankful I had already made it through the stage they are in. I remember the extreme exhaustion, and the unpredictablility of little children (and creativity!), and the struggle to remember that I'm more than a mom--oh yeah, a wife and a person too! But the complete and total sweetness and adorableness of children that age too. It's what saves them and allows them to grow up to be older children! :)

Today I feel like everything went so fast. I had a hard time getting up as usual. Even though it was sunny. And I got stuff ready for school, went to BOW, then Abby and I decided that we should take her home so that she could go to Chipotle at 2pm for the open interviews. I took the van back to school, ate and taught. Loaded up and went to the library.

In the morning we had been looking for The Boggart book that the library said was overdue, and we couldn't find it. So when I went to the library, I found it on the shelf and took it to the desk. Got that fine off my card! But not the one for the books I forgot were due on Tuesday!

Went to GE too and I realized I only had $25 left in my grocery envelope since we get paid tomorrow. But I wanted to get a couple of things that were on sale for today, so I did and it was $26! Yay! I unloaded stuff and found out that Abby had gone to Chipotle and was told you have to be 18 to work there. Would have been nice to know that before. But it wasn't on the application, website, and no one mentioned it when she picked up an application. Oh well. She can cross that off the list.

Then we were totally lazy. I didn't walk in protest of the snow. Abby watched "Becoming Jane" and I just laid on the couch and read a little and watched the movie with her. Then I got to skype with Katie. It was late there so she typed and I talked, but it worked! And I got to see her cute hair again and her cute scarf! She mentioned this very exciting idea of maybe having Claire visit us this summer if it could work out. Wouldn't that be awesome?! It would be an honor and a privilege to host her after the kindness her family has shown to Katie this semester! We could be improving international relationships between America and France. And wouldn't Ehne Thau be excited to meet someone from France where Thomas Jefferson visited! :)

And then I made myself a grilled cheese with an apple and some whole grain chips, for dinner. I had those WITH the grilled cheese, not ON it. Now I'm blogging and Jeff got home from his meeting, and Abby should be home soon too. Tomorrow we will babysit for the youngest three Eatons while they go look at some preschools for Zakk. He's getting to be such a big boy!

So somehow I also have to prepare for history and language arts while babysitting--hmm... I got an email from Meme today and she may come to see us on Friday/Saturday. Great to have her back in driving distance. We're trying to work out Easter plans too. It's a little more complicated this year because Aunt Lisa has a wedding on the Saturday before Easter, so our usual day won't work. :( We'll figure it out though! Since I haven't talked to my hubby all day, I think I will go and talk to him now--in between Amerian Idol performances of course. Until later, dear readers!

1 comment:

Melissa said...

I'm making double spaces today to make up for no spaces yesterday!