Tuesday, March 08, 2011

Two Sunny Days in a Row?! Yay!

Really, I could handle late winter/early spring if the days were more like this. Sunny and upper 40s is so amazing after cold and snow. We have been severely sun-deprived here this winter. I took a slow, therapeutic walk today again--but I added one cul de sac today, so I must be making progress.

I also slept very soundly because I think I wasn't waking up to roll over carefully to protect my back during the night. It's lovely to wake up and have nothing hurt and feel totally relaxed and mostly rested.

I worked on science this morning, and I got history done too. Then lunch and walk and UV. Afterwards I was going to go to Ehler's but when EDD called her to check, she was planning to go to a friend's house instead. So I went to the Honda place where Jeff was just finishing up with getting the horn fixed on our Honda, and we switched cars. I'd much rather drive the Honda--I feel like I can't see out of the Saturn very well.

Then we both drove to Marc's at Chapel Hill and grabbed some fruit and veggies. Waited in a very long line. And he took off to Kent to chat with Matt, and I went back to UV to pick up Abby and EDP, took EDP home, dropped Abby off at dance, and here I am.

I just read Katie's blog which is always so interesting. Even if the end of the trip sounded tiring and somewhat frustrating with late trains, etc. and much to carry. I can't wait to see her purchases too! I'm glad she got something for herself--ya don't get to Provence every day!

Nothing really outstanding happened today, and my back is getting sore from sitting, so I think I will get up and move around, have some tea and a treat, and a quiet time in a little after I've stretched my muscles. Driving and having to sit in one spot seems to bother me more than being able to move around some. Everything gets stiff and sore. So, unless I think of anything else noteworthy, until later, dear readers!

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