Sunday, June 27, 2010

Sunday, Sunday

Today was a good Sunday.  Jeff did an awesome job at "teaching his seminar" at church--he covered a lot of great info in a short amount of time and kept everyone on track with notes and pictures of cute baby otters.  He stole the baby otter pic idea from a guy at KSU who used funny pictures brilliantly to keep the college students interested at Hannah's orientation.

We ate at Chipotle with Rosie and Chris, and the kids ate with youth group kids.  The adults had to sit outside even though it was roasting hot because there were no seats for four people together inside.  There was a table who was finished eating and just munching chips at a very leisurely pace...was hoping they would take pity on us and get up, but they didn't, so we ate NYC-style in the heat outside. 

We came home and Jeff and Abby went to GE to get a newspaper then we hung out watching golf until they left again for Abby to babysit for Sophia, Riley, and Cora at the Reynolds.  Should be a fun night, unless the kids were scared of the thunderstorm we had soon after she got there.  (Ehne Thau called because it was really windy at her house and she just wanted to make sure we weren't going to have a tornado--and she didn't call it a "tomato") Abby got a little driving in today because she asks to go--by far the most motivated driving student we've had.  Guess she really doesn't want to be stuck here with me all the time alone.  She wants to be able to get AWAY!  :)

Hannah went down to the Fullers for youth group--too bad Abby had to miss it since it's right down the street, but she was happy to babysit!  It unfortunately rained and stormed on their "pool party" but I saw they were out doing water balloons.  Jeff and I ate grilled ham and cheese sandwiches and then took a walk. Then he helped me try to figure out my CD from Mrs. Jones and what's on it, so I could start working on preparing for that soon. 

The summer is going so fast!  There are so many things I wanted to do on my very long list, and I don't think I've done any of them so far.  Well, I guess I'll just keep trying to make the best use of every day and trust the Lord to make it all count somehow and to get done what's really important.  It feels like every day has a little (or big) chunk out of it, so I don't feel able to start any big projects.  But this week so far Thursday is all free, and I'm going to try to keep it that way so that I can tackle something that takes more than a couple of hours.

I was glad to see some of Karlien's pictures from the Prague trip--seems like they had a great time and I can't wait to hear Katie's stories from it!  I just told Jeff today that I haven't worried about Katie traveling, etc. in Europe at all.  I know there are things that could go wrong, but I really believe that she is where God wants her to be and is doing what God wants, and I can trust Him to take care of her in the midst of it.  Plus, she's a smart girl and makes good choices and uses her head--all important qualities when traveling!

No big "future career" revelations today, but reading further in John 15, I am realizing that whatever I end up doing, it will involve bearing fruit in God's kingdom.  Maybe it won't be a job where that is the focus, like a "Christian" job, but I believe I will be in a place where God wants to use me in the lives of others to bear fruit to glorify God.  He chose us to bear much fruit, fruit that remains.  I was also thinking how that is really the only "career" that could be fulfilling after the awesome one of raising my girls.  There is so much lasting, meaningful, eternally important stuff in being a mom, and I've often wondered what else I could ever do that will be worth my time after that!  Certainly not something that is just earning a paycheck.  It will have to be meaningful for the kingdom too, but maybe not obviously so at the beginning.  I will just obey whatever God shows me and trust Him to make it meaningful.

After reading more of "The Difference" I was kind of amused by how much of it naturally comes from being a Christian:  optimism, hard work, good relationships, hope, taking smart risks, having a network of people, delayed gratification.  Of course, not all Christians have all of those things, but it certainly is easier to have them.  And those are some of the qualities that wealthy people have.  So we kind of have a head start on being financially successful if only we would go for it and then use our money to change the world!  I kind of hope my next career affords me the ability to do just that!

Guess I'll go and read more and then hit the hay!

Saturday, June 26, 2010

A "Free" Saturday

A nice day off. No coffee though. By the time we got up and went for a walk, it was pretty warm and coffee didn't sound as good as iced tea! We cleaned and that took until noon. Ate lunch and Abby and I went to Shaffer's Market--I drove with Abby for the first time, and she did a great job! Even with the crazy parking lot at Shaffer's. I think everyone and their brother were there! :)

We saw Hannah off to work again tonight and then went to Target for orange juice. Came home with Pupperoni, rice (on clearance--why? I have no idea.), sunscreen (the Karen girls COATED themselves with it yesterday!), Orbit, and even OJ. Plus gifts for Nicole, Elysia, and Rachel for graduation. Then we watched USA lose in the World Cup--so sad.

Jeff golfed with Craig and has been working on his sermon for tomorrow every other spare minute. He has plenty of material--just trying to cut it down to fit.

It's hot today, but not terribly humid, so I don't mind it. It IS summer after all. And watching those fans at the soccer match all bundled up reminds me to enjoy the heat while we have it! We'll be cold again soon enough.

I made a meal for Justin and Laura tonight. Cheesy potatoes with chicken and peas, banana cc muffins, and strawberries and blueberries. I didn't bake the potatoes--too hot and I don't know when they'll end up eating it. Better when it's just made I think. Justin told me last Sunday that any day I wanted to make them a meal would be just fine--I HAD told them I would bring one after everyone else was done, and I guess he just didn't want me to forget! I think he probably was loving the home cooking!

I started reading a book by Jean Chatzky called "The Difference." Kind of about the difference in mindset between different groups of people based on financial situation and how anyone can change some ways of thinking to improve their situation. Not sure if it will be about being "open to the universe sending you money" kind of a thing or something truly useful, but I just started it and have liked other books by her, so we'll see.

I saw an ad in the Southside Leader for a 4 day/week job from 2-6pm for a family to do light housework and cooking. I am qualified for that, but not sure I want to commit to working four days per week every week at certain times. But it's good to know there really are jobs like that. It said it was a "professional" couple with a college son and high school son. Hmmm...also not sure I want to clean up after them if they need to hire someone to do it! :)

Read John 15 today about abiding in the Vine. So true that we can do nothing unless we are connected to our source of nourishment and life. I am also trying to focus on abiding by being obedient to what I know to do (like making a meal to serve someone) and believing that God will show me the next step as I'm taking the ones I know to take now. Also, trusting that by doing things God's way and in His timing, I will bear much fruit--which will honor Him most. Without Him I can do nothing. That validates my desire to seek God's specific leading on the next phase of life and not just try something I think might be good. Jesus said over and over that He did nothing on His own initiative, but as the Father told Him what to do and say, He did it. That sounds good to me!

So glad to hear that Katie is having a great time in Prague. It still seems unreal at times that she's so far away in EUROPE and not just in Virginia Beach or Kent. But we didn't see her in Kent this week, so I guess she's really not there. And she keeps sending us these wonderful postcards from exotic places, so I guess she's really there! What an awesome opportunity for such an awesome daughter! We miss her and can't wait to have her home again, but are so happy for her experiences in Germany this summer. She's a peach! Mwah!

Abby went to Target with Katie F. so Dad and I are all alone--him typing his sermon and me this what it will be like soon? I have a feeling we won't be bored very often though. I can think of lots of things to do, but reading sounds best right now. So, off to see what "The Difference" is and how to attain it!

Friday, June 25, 2010

A revelation!

Ta Da! I found my perfect job today! I finished reading a book called Be Centsable, which all along while reading I kept thinking, "I've been doing these things for 20+ years!" It really does follow my way of grocery shopping and planning meals, shopping in general and basically many of the money-saving things I've done forever. At the back it talked about how they started doing workshops for others and now they have "educators" across the country doing the same thing. That would be my perfect job! Actually getting to teach others about saving money and getting paid for it!! I went to the website and it does look like it could be a possibility. Need to think and pray about it and see if it's what I should pursue, but I could feel so happy helping others to make better-informed choices when they shop--especially in the world as it is now.

I also did my first tutoring job with Sarah today and it went well. I applied for another tutoring job on for a 2nd grade girl who needs help with reading in North Canton. So I'm working on working!

Had the Karen girls over today and we got to go swimming at the Fullers' pool (Kelly was a sweetheart to call and offer!). We had to do some work to find swimsuits for everyone--Mary Ann helped out with two. It takes a village (or at least a neighborhood) to entertain the Karen girls! They were in the pool from 1-4pm with very few breaks and were very tired when we took them home.

We're watching A Cinderella Story right now before we can walk since it was very warm again today. Was very glad to hear that Katie made it to Prague and that she got to watch Disney movies there!! I'm sure she's had a hankering for a Disney movie or two in Germany!!

Tomorrow is the big day of having nothing planned, but I'm not foolish enough to believe that I'll have nothing to do. I am hoping for a cup of coffee in the morning though--and another good night of sleep. I can't believe how much better I felt this morning after the normal amount of sleep.

Guess we're going to go for a walk now and hope it's not too roasting hot. That's all for today!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Destination Kent State Day 2

Another fun day at Kent State, although I was totally exhausted when we got home. I managed to put some laundry in and have a quiet time, but then I had to take a nap. And it wasn't one of those "just doze off for a little while" naps. I was OUT! Hannah did a great job of meeting people and getting a great schedule, and I think she'll have a great time being a college student there. I'm just really praying for her to get into the Honors Dorm though. Seems like all the Honors students want to live there, and I hope there will be room for her and Judi. It's a really nice place to live!

Jeff, Hannah, and Abby all went to hear Jeremiah and Jen play in North Canton, but I just couldn't do it. I have a tutoring appointment in the morning at 9am and then have to go and get the Karen girls right after that. I needed a few moments to clean up and prepare so that when Sarah got here, I would have some idea of what we were doing.

I worked on the Science section of the ACT prep book--I'm still pretty good at it! I only missed one question on the drills for two types of questions, so that gave me more confidence that I actually COULD help someone else with it. It's good prep for the Fall too in teaching my class.

I'm hoping the Karen girls will be content with nothing too crazy tomorrow. I just haven't had the time to plan anything big for them. That's been true for a long time unfortunately so maybe they're used to it by now. It will be good to see them. It's been a long time since they've been over!

So, one more busy day, and then a quieter weekend. At least I hope it is. I'd love to be traveling to Prague with Katie, but I'll have to settle for hanging out here!

It was so good to video chat a little with Katie today! Since she'll be gone all weekend, this gave us a little face time before she left. Even though she had to stay up late to do it. Thanks, Kate!

There is still a possibility of Abby getting a nanny job. We were thinking that it was too far and that it just couldn't work out, but tonight Nick said they may be willing to bring their adorable 6 month old daughter to us. I guess Jeff just needs to call the guy and talk to him about it and see what they need and if it would be too much for us and not enough for them. Abby would have to quit this fall, and they'd have to find someone else. But I bet it would be a profitable job for the time she could do it. Quite a huge responsibility though! Have to think about that one!

I still don't know what I believe God might be telling me to do with my time this fall. I've been praying and reading and thinking. Told Jeff that I'd like to talk more about it because I want to make sure whatever I do, that it is helping my family and not taking away from it. It's a fine line between helping by earning money and helping by being available all the time. After getting up at 6am two days in a row this week, I realized what a wimp I am about needing sleep too. I don't just feel tired, but dizzy, headachy, eyes burning, stomach feeling funny at first when I wake up. It gets better during the day, but this afternoon, I just crashed. So, whatever I do, I need adequate sleep! Guess I learned something more this week--nothing I didn't really know already, but it's not just in my head.

So, speaking of which, I need to go and get ready for bed so I can get up and be ready for another busy day tomorrow. It's only 9:30pm, and the fam isn't home yet, but tonight should finally be a good sleep night--no thunderstorms, it's cooler outside so we can have the windows open, hopefully Greta will sleep well too! She was climbing on my pillow last night too when it stormed. She's some dog!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Destination KSU Day 1

A long but good day at Kent State University! The program was really well-done and even though there was a lot of sitting and listening, we learned some good things and had a good time. Katie would be interested to know that I chose all vegetarian dishes at Eastway! A big salad and fruit for lunch. A cheese manicotti and more fruit for dinner. With some chocolate cake for dessert of course! It was fun to be able to eat whatever without worrying about cost--we just swiped our cards! I hope Hannah doesn't roast tonight with no AC.

We took a walk tonight after we got home just to feel like we got some exercise for real. Instead of just moooooving like a herd of cows all day!

It stormed pretty bad while Hannah was taking the COMPASS test--we watched the work going on in the courtyard by the student center as a big gust of wind blew dust everywhere like a mini-tornado. Glad we weren't outside then!

We saw Lauren and Bree (spelling?) at the h2o table so got to talk to them a little. Glad to see that h20 is being very visible at these things! Hopefully there will be lots of new students involved in the fall.

I am so tired though and need to get up early again tomorrow--up today at 6am and out the door by 7:30am. Tomorrow we should probably be there at 7:30am for breakfast because Hannah has to be packed up by 8am to go to her advising appointment. But at least it's a short day tomorrow!

So now to hit the hay! Good night, dear reader!

Monday, June 21, 2010

The longest day of the year went so fast!

So, we had a great weekend, but rather busy too. On Saturday, we got to talk to Katie which was awesome! Love to see her face and hear stories in "person" even though blogging works great the rest of the time. Felt bad about using all of her internet for the day though. So glad she's doing so well and having such a great experience.

I also listened to part of a "webinar" from Arbonne about getting started--ironically, since it took the presenter FOREVER to get started talking about getting started. Once she did, it was a pretty helpful overview of what it takes. If I didn't have so many fears about being the "Arbonne Lady" and the time commitment and if I could do it, it does sound like it would fit with a lot of my interests and abilities. She talked about "intrapeneurs" which I understood to be introverts who are risk averse, but who want to start a business. That, too, sounds like me! So, I'll keep praying and see what God says. I think what I'd most like it being able to show up for a few hours someplace and get paid a decent and regular amount for doing something I'm good at and enjoy. With flexible hours of course...Not sure if that exists!

We also went to Sarah's party on Saturday which was very nice--got to sit and talk to the neighbors and eat delicious food--they had little cups of brownie trifle with Butterfingers instead of Heath bars. AND, this delicious raspberry, cool whip dessert too. Yummy! And so nice to get to sit and visit since at our party we didn't really get to do that.

We got home from that party in time to go to Lynne's retirement party! That too was wonderful! Her garden was beautiful and the Mexican food was awesome too. We got to talk to Lisa and Jeff a lot which was so nice. Stayed until around 9:30pm.

On Sunday, Abby helped Jeremiah with his worship team--Kayla came and so did Alena although Alena just watched. Made me miss Katie to see 2/3 of the 3 Musketeers from Kent! And it made me excited to see everyone from Kent again when Katie and Hannah are back there this fall. Guess we'll be there soon enough with Hannah's orientation this week.

We had to deal with the "bird situation" when we got home from church. "We" as in "Dad" because he was the brave and noble hero. He handled it all valiantly!! We had Subway for lunch and chicken and sweet potato fries and broccoli for dinner with brownies and ice cream for dessert. Poor Dad--he didn't get the most pampering in the food department this birthday/Father's Day. Glad he doesn't mind much!

Today I walked before it got too hot, then Abby and I went to the bank and library and Giant Eagle. Cleaned up the house since Uncle Tom is coming to spend the night tomorrow and then going to Millersburg and Bowling Green and coming back on the 28th overnight and leaving on the 29th. Sad that we have to leave so early on Wed. morning for orientation and won't really get to see him much until he comes back. Oh well, such is life! Abby and Hannah washed the Honda--it was disgustingly dirty! Now it looks shiny, and it will probably rain and mess it up again!

Tonight we are watching "Alice in Wonderland" from a free RedBox deal Dad got. It's just as weird not in 3-D! But perfect for the story.

Tomorrow is Urban Vision week 2. Then cooking for Tom and the fam--though Hannah has to work. Wed. is orientation from 8am-8pm! Long day according to Kay, and she had to go through it twice--once with Caleb and once with Rachel! Hoping to see Emily maybe? Then Thursday we go back from 8-12. Hannah spends the night. Friday we are planning to have the Karen girls over. Then a free weekend? Dad has to teach on Sunday, so he'll be busy with that, but I may be able to do something else.

I've been questioning if I even have time to do anything more than what I'm doing, especially with teaching two new classes and having no idea how long they will take to prepare for on a weekly basis. I want to make some money, but I don't want to overcommit and be exhausted and grumpy all the time. I'm sure Abby and Dad would prefer I be pleasant to be around too. This is one of those times when I am having a hard time being patient and waiting for God to show me what to do. I feel like I'd like to just start working and stop thinking about it. But I believe that God has a good plan for me, and I need to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and He'll show me what it is at the right time.

Well, since I don't have a warm pig belly for my aching feet, I guess I'll just put them up and enjoy the movie. So that's that for now!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The week in review

It's been longer than I thought since I blogged last. Let's see, Wed. I went to the grocery store with Abby--I remember that. Also made some dinner for us, did some laundry, took Hannah and Abby to piano and went to Marc's. Pretty basic Wed. I think. Oh yeah, in the evening Jeff and I went to meet with Tijana to talk about Arbonne and get the details of what would be involved with it. It was a good talk and gave us more information--I think Jeff would do a fabulous job with it! He's a natural salesman--if only HE needed another job...but he's quite busy already!

Thursday we cleaned, Abby mowed the grass, and in the afternoon I shopped for gifts for Jeff, Lynne (retirement party on Saturday), and Sarah (graduation party Sat.). I was really happy that I was able to find good stuff for them and stay in the budget. Got Lynne a summer serving tray with cute mugs, bowls, placemats and Sarah a game night kit with a few games and snacks.

We went to Borders Thursday night to look for a nutrition book for Lisa H. for helping so much with Hannah's party. She mentioned she was interested in learning more about it, and I found a pretty good basic book about what foods are good for you, etc.

I've been working on the exercises in WCIYP? and the last one was to write 7 stories about 7 things you've done in your life that you enjoyed. Including what you were trying to accomplish, what obstacles you had to overcome, what steps you took in detail, and what the outcome was. Then after that, you look at this list of 100 skills and mark in a grid which ones you did in each story. After you are done, you can see a pattern of which skills you used consistently over the 7 stories. From what I learned, I should have been an accountant!

The most marked categories were "Using Numbers" and "Analytical Thinking" due to my obstacles usually involving a limited budget, and my steps including planning, organizing and shopping! But that is true--I do enjoy those things. It's been very good to think past just what job I would want and to learn what I really like to do and then later how that could translate into a job. Always good to understand yourself better before launching into something new.

I'm at the point where I'm willing to do anything, but only if it's GOD who tells me to do it. I'm not going to just pick something and try it, but wait and see where God leads me next.

Today I went to Angie's to talk to her and Alycia--thankfully Abby went with me, or we'd never have gotten to talk, and it had nothing to do with the twins. They slept the whole time. But 4 active boys ages 4,3,2,1 will keep things loud and busy!!

Then I had to leave a little early to do a job for Suanne--taking Andrew to the orthodontist--I made a whole $5!! Woo Hoo! It was good pay/hour, but not impressive in the total amount, considering he just goes to the Haas office right next to Target!

I walked before I went to Angie's because it was supposed to get hotter today, and it did--at one point the thermometer said 100 degrees--but you know how that is; it went back down soon after that.

I made some chicken and corn on the cob (which I cut off the cob) for dinner this afternoon because I had a hair appointment at 4:30-6pm. It had been 11 weeks since my last hair cut and color! Whew! But it did come out a little darker than I'd like, but it does fade some after a few washes and in the sun. So I think it's OK. Really looks a lot closer to my natural color.

Last night we had Kraus' pizza for Dad's belated birthday dinner and then got Blizzards for dessert after shopping--that's why we needed chicken and veggies and fruit for dinner tonight!!

Tomorrow we have parties too so we'll eat more good food--maybe we should go for another walk tonight! Then I think our party circuit is over for a while--I've been enjoying the delicious food that I don't have to cook almost every weekend!

Guess since it's almost 8pm I'll go and enjoy the rest of my Friday night hanging out with Dad and Abby since Hannah is at work. Till next time, dear reader!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

First day at UV for the summer

Today was our first day of the summer program at Urban Vision. I did reading all day from 9-1, and my throat is sore after talking for so long. But it went well overall. A few things we need to tweak, but it was good to plan with the ladies who are doing it, so we all know what's going on and can work together. Didn't see a lot of my buddies because they didn't have to do reading--have good enough grades.

Funny last night--Ann called to thank us for the milk we got them and to catch up and to see if I wanted to go to Panera this morning. I was sad to have to say no because we had UV. Just after I hung up with her, Kelly with the twins called to see if Abby could babysit...this morning. Had to say no again. Bummer. All week nothing going on except one day and everyone calls about that day. Just after that, the phone rang again, and Hannah jokingly said, "Now who wants us to do something tomorrow morning?" It was Suanne who said she got our flyer and needed guessed it! Tuesday morning. Wow. This volunteer job is costing us money! I did kind of have a hard time because I really would have loved to help people, but I have to trust God that we are doing what we are supposed to and let it go!

Today is Jeff's 45th birthday!! He is golfing, and I hope it's at Firestone as he hoped! Hannah is working and Abby has VBS, so I guess his birthday celebration will have to be later this week.

Well, need to go and make Abby some dinner before she has to leave. But that's the day so far!

Monday, June 14, 2010

A productive day of thinking and planning

Today has been a productive work day, but not physically--mentally. I actually really like days like this when I'm home and have time to tackle things that take uninterrupted thought processes. I slept in some because I've been staying up too late, then walked--it felt like early morning--kind of hazy, not quite bright daylight, cool. Unfortunately, it was 10am, so I didn't have nearly the amount of morning left when I got home that I felt like I should. I remedied that by working until 1:30pm and then eating lunch which makes for a short afternoon. :)

I got the ACT/SAT books out and just when I was walking out to the table with them, Sarah Simich called to ask about tutoring for the ACT. Weird timing! She is so sweet--it would be fun to help her. I figured out how to split up the chapters to fit in the weeks that we have to work with, and the only thing I feel nervous about is teaching the math sections. I think I'll have to study to know what I'm doing with those. But those are things I can do a little at a time as we go through the year. Otherwise, I think it will be fun to help the kids learn some of the tricks and de-mystify the process.

I had a quiet time and made dinner early for Abby to go to VBS at Green Valley. Earlier, I called the census bureau back--they called Sunday night and left a message for me to call them about our survey. So basically they just wanted to clarify about Katie's existence. :) College student and all.

I also made an appointment to get my hair done on Friday! It's been since April just before Easter, and I have been covering my roots with eye shadow and bronzer! Sounds funny, but it works great! Covers the greys and blends in the roots--why shouldn't it work on hair as well as skin? :)

I tried to have the Karen girls over this Wed. but they are too busy for us! They have the summer program M, T, R and then volleyball on Wed. and Fri. so that will keep them busy and give us another week before we have them over again. I'm glad they have lots of fun things to do because Ehne Thau said she was just sitting around "being boring."

We've been working on the exercises from What Color is Your Parachute? and it is interesting to learn more about me and what I really value. Hope it helps me focus in on what my next career will be!

Unfortunately, my wrist is starting to hurt from typing so much so I shall bid you adieu, dear reader. Hopefully I spelled it right, dear French-speaking reader!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

The lesson of today

We finished our garage sale on Saturday and made a grand total of $80 on the two days! The least we've ever made, but still more money than we had when we started! It was good to go through stuff and sell some, and for some reason, I find having a garage sale fascinating--seeing all the people who come. There are several who come every year whom I recognize. Maybe I just don't get out enough and that's why I think it's so interesting. :)

We tore things down around 1:30pm, and then I went to Target for several things we needed and got a gift for Chelsea for graduation too. Then to Nick Brenner's grad party.

When we got home, we all four did an exercise from What Color is Your Parachute? where we had 10 pieces of paper each and wrote at the top of each one: Who am I? Then we listed one thing about ourselves at the top. Like: mom, student, musician, etc. Under each one we listed what excites us about that area of our lives, what we feel passionate about, why we enjoy that aspect of life. Then we put the 10 papers in order of importance and looked for themes in all the areas. For me, relationships and time with people came up in being a wife, mom, friend, etc. It was really interesting to see how different our themes were--you should do it too sometime and tell us what you came up with!

We thought it would be helpful for Hannah as she is deciding about college majors, Abby as she is thinking about the future, me as I am thinking about what is important to me in a job, and Dad because he won't work for Timken forever--and it's just good to make him write on paper with a pencil and think about something introspective once in a while!! :)

Today was church and a meeting afterward to get ideas from church members who live in the neighborhood of the church about how to reach the neighborhood and meet needs there. We got Donatos Pizza! After today, Mike will be on a 4 week sabbatical and not attending any church things. First time in 30 years of pastoring that he's had this long of a break! Well-deserved and much-needed I'm sure! They're going on vacation for part of that time too.

So this afternoon, Dad and Abby went driving to get a newspaper. We let our subscription die since the paper has gotten smaller and smaller and I really only want the Sunday paper for coupons. And the subsciption price has gone up and up.

Abby and Hannah are at Nipto and youth group, and I just had a QT while Dad had a nap. Really good section in John 9 about Jesus healing the blind man. I love how Jesus dealt with many blind people differently, healed them differently and interacted differently. This man he didn't ask any questions before He made the clay and told him to go and wash in the pool. The man doesn't seem to ask any questions either--just goes and does it. That seemed humble of him to me, because it may have seemed like, "Why do I have to go and do this if Jesus could just heal me right here?" I was thinking about Hannah and college since we were talking about the TEACH grant--to take it or not? And how God works differently in everyone's life, and maybe He wants to work His works in her life through this even though it seems like an extra, unnecessary step right now. Maybe it will lead to miraculous things later...Certainly it would meet a need right now and give us some time to earn the money even if she decides not to teach later.

Then I read My Utmost for the past couple of days and today was really good--June 13:
"One of the greatest hindrances in coming to Jesus is the excuse of temperament. We make our temperament and our natural affinities barriers to coming to Jesus....If you will give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. God's experiments always succeed. The one mark of a saint is the moral originality which springs from abandonment to Jesus Christ. In the life of a saint there is this amazing wellspring of original life all the time; the Spririt of God is a well of water springing up, perennially fresh. The saint realized that it is God who engineers circumstances, consequently there is no whine, but a reckless abandon to Jesus....If you abandon to Jesus, and come when He says, "Come," He will continue to say, "Come" through you; you will go out into life reproducing the echo of Christ's "Come." That is the result in every soul who has abandoned and come to Jesus."

That is all I could wish for myself and all of my family! No matter where we are around the world! :)

Friday, June 11, 2010

A nutty update

Another quick blog update...we had a garage sale today after setting up for about 2 hours last night. We have it down to a science really: collect stuff during the year and put it out on tables in a couple of hours. The only really feasible way to do it! Plus, last year I went through things so thoroughly that this year there just wasn't that much to sell. It started at 8am so I was up early. It wasn't that busy, but we sold some stuff and made a whopping $63 on day one!! Considering our largest sale in one transaction was $7 that's not bad. Most of it was 25 cents stuff.

Got SEVERAL awesome postcards from our dear Katie dear today!! Thank you for thinking of us--love the pictures--also love that you have all of us working on the bridge in Prague--but what are you doing? Out sight-seeing, having cafe, touring castles? Or maybe teaching English somewhere nearby? :)))

Meme and Pops were here on Thursday/Friday because one of his college friends passed away and the calling hours/funeral were in Kent. (They drove by the University.) So it was nice to sit and chat with Meme during the sale and not to have to go anywhere. They left this afternoon right after Pops got home from the funeral. But she just called and said they still weren't home because he wanted to stop a bunch of places on the way one knows why!

Hannah is recovering nicely--just a little swollen and a little bruise on her left cheek. She's been a good patient--doing what she's supposed to and taking care of herself as instructed. :)

Last night on our walk Nick N. asked if we were the nanny service--I thought he was joking, or needed a sitter for their kids, but he said a friend of his at work really needs a full-time nanny for a 6 month old baby girl--unfortunately (or maybe fortunately) they live in CF so the distance is probably too far. Not sure Abby would really want to work that much or if they would really want someone for just the summer. Then he also asked if I would be interested in teaching a class--but it's in Hudson and on M/W--same days as BOW--but nice he is thinking of us and liked our flyers!

We went to the Arbonne thing on Wed. night--I'm sure now that we really did go since it is now Friday and we did in actuality go! It was interesting and somewhat thought-provoking. We're talking about it, but there are some real "cons" in my mind about it. I'm reading What Color is Your Parachute?--a book about careers and finding a job, and I'm thinking I need to better define just exactly what would be the perfect job for me so that I'll better know it if it comes along, or I can go and look for it. I also think that this is going to be one of those "God leading me" events in my life. I may do all of the thinking and preparation, but I really think God is going to have to show me specifically what HE wants me to do.

So today from my QT in John 8: I need to abide in the Word and then God will show me the truth and that truth will set me free--to be in the place God wants me to be and not in a place that I get myself into which may not be real freedom. And Jesus didn't come on His own initiatve, but God sent Him. I need to be careful to see where God sends me and not just go pounding on doors on my own initiative. Look to see where God is working and join Him in His work--wherever that may be. The word "working" takes on new meaning when I really mean working!

So, that's life in a nutshell--or the nuthouse as the case may be! Need to go and make dinner since Dad's home and I told him there's no food because I'm blogging!! He may regret helping me get a laptop after all!! Just wait until I get a job...

Tuesday, June 08, 2010

First Post with my new laptop!

Quick post just because I can on my NEW LAPTOP!! We just got back from a walk,and I can sit down and write quickly instead of trudging all the way upstairs to use that computer. :)

We got this laptop yesterday when Jeff went to get some FREE copies made at Staples (guess that's why they give free copies). It was on clearance of course, and when Jeff went to get the gift cards at Giant Eagle to get the fuel perks, I stood by it to "guard" it while the guy went to get the box and whatever he had to do. Good thing too because an older couple with their grandson came in with the ad looking for MY laptop!! It was the display one because all of the others were gone. They seemed rather put out, but I couldn't help it, and it was just kind of confirmation that it was a good deal. In fact, I had just been standing there thinking how boring this purchase was--we usually have a story to go with it when we buy anything big! So now we do!!

Hannah is doing very well with her wisdom teeth so far. She's a little swollen on her left side, but the right seems OK. She ate mashed potatoes for dinner and jello and pudding. Only taken ibuprofen so far too. She's enjoying a dose of MLIA since she doesn't usually have this much time to kill!!

Just found out today that Meme and Pops are coming over on Thursday and Friday because a friend of Pops' from college passed away and calling hours/funeral are R/F. We may have a garage sale on Friday, but Meme said she thought it would be fun to be here for that. She could keep us company if it's boring.

Still looking at job options. I told Linda that I was thinking about jobs, and she has sent me two ideas for tutoring in two days. What a helpful friend! We passed out our flyers for tutoring and household help last night. So I'm praying that we'll get some jobs from that.

I spent a long time today working on stuff for Urban Vision reading, but I got it mostly done, so I think that'll be most of the work for the summer. We are meeting on Thursday morning so I have a deadlline.

Dad and I may go to an Arbonne event tomorrow night. I keep saying "may" even though we've said we are going. Tijana is getting a white Mercedes for her new position! That's exciting, and she said it would be a good time to go, so I think we'll go just to hear more about it.

Got to try out skype with Katie today on my new laptop! That was fun--may make blogging a little less necessary on days I get to talk to her (you!)

Well, I haven't had a chance to have a quiet time yet today, so that is next on my list--can't go on too long with time with God to keep me going!!

Friday, June 04, 2010

The highlight of my day was getting a postcard in the mail from my far-away dear reader! Yay, Katie!! You're in Europe--the real one--the amazingly beautiful one from the postcard!! Thanks for thinking of us here in boring old Ohio!

Today it is humid, but not terribly warm--well, compared to Dresden, very warm (80). But my Secret Screen allows a lovely breeze to blow through the kitchen which keeps us comfy. We have not succumbed to AC yet--yay, low electric bills!

I worked on two of the four weeks of reading lessons for UV last night and got them done except for typing them. Two more to go before next Thursday when we meet again. It wasn't too hard since I had already done most of the work last summer.

Today I started to clean and then took Hannah to the dentist and to get her antibiotic for Sunday. She has to start penicillin two days before she gets her wisdom teeth out--Dr. Brockloff said he's noticed that really helps with reducing infections later. Then I came home and finished cleaning. I have time to think when I clean so I tend to come up with ideas then.

I had actually thought of another "business" idea a few nights ago from reading this book about "relaunching" one's career after being home with kids. It was talking about the need to hire out some household work when you go back to work to enable you to spend more time with your kids when you are home. I thought maybe that I could help out women who work with some of those things: cleaning, cooking, errands, and call it "Second Self--Household Help" because all moms sometimes wish there were two of themselves. Then today when I was cleaning, I thought about how Abby and Hannah would like to earn some money too and it would be way more fun to do those things with them. So I pitched them my ideas, and they said, "Why not? Might as well give it a try!" So I will work on some flyers and see what Dad says. I DO NOT want to get in over my head with all of my ideas--teaching, tutoring, etc. But at least this would be something we could say no to if we were too busy. And with them helping, we could add babysitting, lawn mowing, plant watering too. Could be a crazy idea, but I'm just trying to go with ideas as they come! I AM a professional homemaker after all!! THAT at least I'm qualified for!!

THEN, just after I got done cleaning and before I could even talk to H and A about that, Tijana from Arbonne called and invited me to an event next Wed. that I had thought about going to from a postcard she had sent me, but had missed the deadline to sign up. It was kind of weird timing actually. She is becoming a regional vice-president I think and wants me to come and hear these two women who are the top sellers in the world. And she wants Dad to come too--she knows I won't make any decisions without him!! Anyway, I have thought about Arbonne as a possibility-at least I've never ruled it out for sure, and maybe this would be a good opportunity to hear about it--and have a nice dinner out with Dad. I told her I'd have to see how Hannah is doing after her wisdom teeth too...

My head is spinning with things that need to be done and with possibilities...I think I'll actually feel less tired mentally when I know what I'm doing and can just do it. Work is fine; making decisions and exploring options is exhausting!!

Tonight we get to go to Caleb's grad party! Tomorrow is Relay for Life (which we'll try to stop at, but aren't fully participating in this year), Emily Baumhoer's grad party, and then Kevin's party after that. In there sometime we have to get presents for Amy, Nancy, and Jackie--that's Hannah's job for the dance seniors. But that means I don't have to cook tonight or tomorrow (lunch or dinner!).

Well, dear far-away reader, we are praying for you and hope you have a fantastic trip this weekend--have you really been there for THREE weeks?? Hope all is going well in classes and in all other ways too. We miss you!! Love you lots!

And to all my other readers who are nearby, I am grateful for all of you! Love you lots too! (I mean my family because, of course, they are the only ones who read this!) MWAH!

Thursday, June 03, 2010

Busy few days

I really haven't forgotten about you, dear reader, but I have been very busy the past two days! Tuesday morning I went to Panera to meet with Julie and Bev about reading for the summer program at UV. Then had to go to the grocery store and then to rehearsal with Hannah and Abby. Wed. I went to Karen Jones' house to get the info for the physical science class for the fall and realized how much I have to learn to teach the class--even with all the material she gave me. Mostly computer skills to do the power point/use the projector, etc. It looks like I NEED a laptop to do it right! So that is the next big purchase.

After Karen's house, I came home and cleaned up the house some, did laundry, made dinner to take to dance and piano. Met Dad up there since he got the Saturn's AC recharged at the Honda place, and then we went to Marc's, ate at church, and had a leader's meeting. H and A had to stay late again to work on H's Senior dance and get all the details figured out for what they're doing for Nancy, Amy, and Jackie. We're thinking of getting new stools for the waiting area--the duct tape ones are still there!

Today we re-arranged the school room to fit my bead table and the regular school room table--so now I have work space for school stuff and also I can do my beads back there too. If I end up tutoring at all this summer, I can have that stuff out in the dining room on the table that held the TV. We never use that TV except for Geometry lessons, so I don't know if we'll keep it or not.

There is a neighborhood garage sale next weekend, so I will try to get things together for that. In all my spare time...

Well, that's the brief update--now to make dinner for Jason and Angie tonight and have a quiet time.