Wednesday, March 02, 2011

Red Chicken!

Today it was SUNNY! It seems I often start with a weather update, but that's because the weather is so different from day to day, and it makes such a difference in how I feel about life. That is lame, but true. It was cold today, but at least it was bright so that when we were inside, we could imagine it was warmer. And when we came out of school, it felt pretty OK.

After Abby and Jeff left this morning, I got all of my BOW stuff together which takes a little while. Then I did my nails, listened to an archived Dave Ramsey show, and looked at my hair magazines to see if I could find any good pics for Katie. It was very multi-tasking of me!

Then I put our lunch together and took off for BOW. I had to make copies and get science experiment supplies out of the closet before lunch, and I helped Abby get ready for her physics test. I also set up the computer with the projector ALL BY MYSELF! I learned something by being a teacher this year!

For some reason, when I woke up this morning, I felt--I don't know--sad isn't quite right, nor worried, nor unhappy. More unsettled, concerned maybe? I still haven't quite put my finger on it. As I talked with Jeff, I realized maybe it's all of the uncertainties of life--what jobs will the girls get this summer? What do they need to be doing to work on that? What will I be doing? How can I help my students do better in their classes? They've had some issues--is it my fault? Should I be doing something different? Just stuff like that. Nothing I can really do anything about RIGHT NOW, but it's the stuff that spins around in my head often.

Later today when I was having my quiet time, I was reading 2 Cor. 11 and Paul talks about his "daily pressure of concern for all the churches" and I thought, "Yeah, just replace churches with children and that's kind of it." Not just my own children (and not that there's anything they are causing me stress about--just motherly concern), but also my students, the Karen kids--Ehler takes the OGT again in a couple of weeks...She was only 2 points away from passing the math section last time...So many have so many new things going on and so many decisions to make. And yet, there's nothing I can do but pray and so I do!

My science class went better today. We had two experiments that used balloons to demonstrate some electron transfers (static electricity) so that was fun. And I felt more confident explaining this stuff, because I know it better than physics stuff. There's a big difference when you really understand something and can explain it a couple of different ways, than when you can only just explain what the book said and hope it makes sense to them.

We went to the library and GE after school. Came home and did the great unloading. I rested for a few minutes and then walked. That's when I pray about everybody's everything! One of my prayers was answered as soon as I got home--I had been praying about Jeff's job since raises and bonuses get handed out in March. He got both and very nice ones at that! Yay! Good job, honey! So we will get to work on the budget again and pump more money into the college fund--baby step #5. I'm sure he has other plans for some of the bonus money, but at least a chunk of it can go to that goal. It's so nice to have the steps laid out for us. I needed that! Thanks, DR! It's great to make progress.

Jeff had called to tell me that on his way to meet with Mike and Dick at 5:30pm, so he wasn't going to be home for dinner. Then Abby had her prayer study at 6pm so she wasn't home for dinner either. That meant I had a French bread pizza and read during dinner. I started a new book I got last night at the library in North Hill. It's called "What Should I Do with My Life?" It's kind of a collection of people's stories about finding their calling in life. I'm still not sure if it will be good or not. The very first story was about a Buddhist monk, so I will see...

So, I guess I will continue with my reading with my little dog if she will settle down with me. She seems unsettled like she knows that Dad and Abby should be home by now. Sitting in the living room and looking at the garage door.

OK, just a random story from BOW though. Cole was absent on Monday because his dog had to have emergency surgery--it's a bigger dog--100+ pounds, but it had a 12 pound tumor removed from its spleen! They weren't sure if it would live, but it did! That's bigger than our WHOLE DOG! Yikes!

And April's poor family--their basement flooded on Sunday night, they found mold when they were cleaning it up, so now she and the kids are staying at her sister's until it's cleaned up--like a couple of weeks. Her mom is having open heart surgery on Friday too. Oh, my. And of course, Gabe picked today to act less than wonderful! She was smiling when we left though and kept saying it would all work out. She is a very positive person, but she admits when things are rough! I am blessed to get to work with her and Karen. Such great people!

OK, now I really will go and read some more until Jeff gets home, and American Idol is on, and it's brownie time! Tomorrow is another day to do more school stuff! Until then, dear readers!


Kaite said...

BAHAHA about the tumor being bigger than our whole dog!! So funny!!!

I too had a moment of "Oh my gosh how am I going to deal with all this" with considering everything I need to be preparing for at once while I'm in France. I knew this was coming but still, sad day. See my blog. But yeah. Prayer is kind of the only thing that works, except for all these icky necessary actions like filling out forms that come afterwards... =P

Melissa said...

Yes, it is so true. Prayer and then doing our part while we trust God to do His.