I don't know why I always think of starting with the weather for the day, but it seems that is what sets the stage for everything or something. We've had such note-worthy weather, that I guess it just IS news almost every day! So, today it was sunny and chilly, but not winter coat weather when I took a walk this afternoon. Such an improvement!
Dad was up a LOT last night for work, so he set the alarm for 7:30am instead of 7:00am which is when I usually get up on Mondays, but it actually worked out fine. I must have needed the extra half hour of sleep too. It STILL felt like 6:30am and not like sleeping in.
We got to school in good time, and April was in the kitchen making soup and bread with the cooking class. That was all I saw of her though today because she went to the hospital to see her mom after that. Her kids weren't there because they are in Florida visiting relatives.
My classes went OK, although I think the time change was hard on the kids too. In my morning classes the two boys were falling asleep--one had said he got up at 5am to work on a project for school. Since that is like 4am to his body, I can understand being tired, but STILL! I bugged them about staying awake for a while and then just ignored the droopy eyes. When you're that tired, I guess it's just too hard to look alert. We did watch the Schoolhouse Rock version of the Preamble though, so there was something fun. And we watched a two year old boy reciting the preamble--if he can do it, so can they! But I don't think I'll make them.
Then graded papers and finished those before lunch, ate the delicious soup and bread, and then reviewed my info for the SAT math class. Advanced Arithmetic. Good stuff, but again, one of the girls is just so ready to get out of there, that she isn't very attentive. When I asked for the answer to "What do you need to add to 3/4 to get to 1?" She raised her hand excitedly and said, "2:30?" Because it was about 2:30 and time for class to be done. NOT the best way to make the teacher want to let you out on time or early...So I made them stay a couple of minutes late and do the rest of the chapter. Not really on purpose. I was planning to do that anyway, but it did kind of irritate me. Especially since a couple of the kids were pretty slow getting in and sitting down for class, so we didn't start on time. Thank goodness for Abby and Carrie in that class! The other boy who usually sticks with me wasn't there today either.
Oh well, I can't expect everyone to be excited about learning how to do better on the SAT. Even though Abby gave a good sales pitch before class about how the things in this chapter helped her a lot on the SAT on Saturday, still, there will be those who just don't care...
We came home and Abby left to babysit, and I went for a walk. Sans dog. Then came home and took her down the street. She wasn't ready to come home yet, so we went down and back up again. I made veggie burgers for dinner, we cleaned up, and Jeff and Abby went for a walk too. I had a quiet time while they were gone. And now blogs and Chuck is about to start.
Hannah had a crisis averted today when she realized she needed tissue paper for a project and forgot to get it when she was home. But thankfully, Emily came through with a ride to the store tomorrow. Yay, Emily! Yay, Hannah, for asking her! Dealing with life is part of going to college, because life is full of problems to be solved. Life is so lifey sometimes! Indeed!
OK, I will be praying more for my girls. I know it gets hard this time of year with wanting to be done with school, the weather getting nicer, and just plain spring fever/sick of schoolness. So, I will be praying, but I would just encourage all of you to be working hard and finishing strong. We've got some spring breaks coming up, and Katie is almost ready to wind down with her classes. We will have some break time--we will! Just hang in there, girls!!
I started looking at the syllabus today with my classes and reminding them of the same thing. Everyone needs to see the end is in sight around now I think. Me too!
Oh, speaking of which, I was wondering if Katie and Hannah would be willing to come to the SAT class on the last day (May 9) and answer questions about college. I thought that would be a fun thing to do on the last day, and when I mentioned it today as a possibility, they seemed excited about the idea. I would have them think of questions ahead of time so we would hopefully have enough to talk about. But if it's a fun discussion, they'll talk plenty. It's only when it's answering questions that they are too quiet!
Well, I think that's about it for now. Chuck and Sarah are going to "Roosia"--and there was a "leetle Roosian clown car" according to Abby. She's really into the Russian accent--see what you've created Katie!! :) It's actually very funny! Until later, dear readers!
IN the leetle Roosian Clown-car there was leetle puppy doggie and the leetle puppy doggie needed to be leet out for, what do you call it, peepee time.
If people start falling asleep you have to make them stand up and stretch or do something shocking. Like suddenly searching pictures of kittens. As a student, I've often wished profs would just be like, "OK, everyone, stand up, shake yourselves out, let's focus now..."
And you should tell the 2:30 girl that in France, profs have every right to keep you 15-30 mins late, especially at the end of the day, and there's nothing you can do about it and that, in general, it's extremely rude to imply that you aren't soaking up every word that the prof is saying. I had a student use a phrase about hoping that I'd remember that class ends in 10 minutes in Germany...only he used the vocabulary word or whatever and it was funny and I think he had someplace to be. =)P
THE END IS NEAR! (ish...)
and yes, talking to fun(ny) middle schoolers would be a definite probability if I'm not working then =D
you should have them do math problems about how much a good score on the SAT could save them. Even when you get into probability and stuff ;) Feel free to use my real numbers. =D
It'd be fun to talk to your class :-)
I'd say more but it's late.
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