Monday, March 28, 2011

And then there was Monday...

Sunday was a good day too. We were greeting at church and a new couple came in and wanted to go to Sunday school too--turns out they were neighbors of the Hrubys and Nathan's (Jeremiah's friend who drums with us sometimes) parents. They seemed to like it and so that was good. There were several other new couples there too. One gal from Kent State even with her boyfriend from Georgia. And I talked to the new family--James, Jenny, John, J?, and Joy--about going out for lunch or coming over for dinner. She suggested maybe we come there so their kids would have things to do. So that was encouraging--finally got their last name and a contact number/email for them. I really like Jenny--she's really friendly. Then we had a chili lunch after church which was fun. Made plans with Alycia to go out for coffee on Tuesday while Abby is at dance--we haven't been able to get together much lately, and you just can't really talk at small group. We are going to see if Angie would like to come too--if Jeff can go over and help with kiddos. It felt like I was making plans right and left with people. I told Jeff that now that I am feeling better about life and have had some time off, I could easily start overbooking myself. Like I offered to host a dinner for the leadership team next week too. And then when we went to Kent I asked Lindsay about getting together with them some evening. All great stuff, and people I want to spend time with, but I must maintain constant vigilance not to overdo it. We came home, and we were all pretty tired. Poor Hannah didn't get much rest here this weekend after a very tiring week. She had to pack, I had to ? do something? Can't remember. Then we all went for a walk, Abby went to the 620, and soon after that, we took Hannah back to Kent. We had to be there for the tech rehearsal since she was doing the "snapshot of my journey" about the trip. We were going to go and eat at the student center before church, but nothing was open except that little market and it only had snack things. It was kind of fun being able to pick out whatever we wanted since Hannah has so much money. I got iced tea, a package of PB crackers, and some jalapeno chips. Good tide-me-over until we got home and ate leftovers. Hannah did an awesome job with her talk--she had very little time to work on it and very little sleep, but she pulled it off like a pro! I like h2o--it's a very nice group of people! I had to come home and have Jeff explain how to do these function problems for the SAT class today. It feels like functions just don't stick in my head, but I did understand them better last night. As it turned out, we didn't even get to them in class, but I'm still glad I was prepared. Then I worked on the grocery list and menu until bedtime while watching "Undercover Boss." A very interesting look at many jobs and industries. Today I was super tired when I woke up, but school went well. Karen is a whirlwind of activity, and she is working diligently to get things set up well for next year. I'm so glad she's like that--she makes things happen! We had a delicious taco salad bar for lunch--mmmm. I walked after school--it's still cold, but sunny and pleasant. I had a quiet time and made chicken fried rice for dinner. No Chuck on tonight, so we're planning to watch Monk. Jeff just talked to Jason, and Angie is coming to Panera with Alycia and I, and Jeff is going over to help with the kids! How fun will that be? :) Wouldn't I love to have a nanny cam to watch the evening's activities with 4 kids and Jason and Jeff? Good thing Jeff is such a pro with little ones--and how awesome is it that he volunteered? I didn't ask--he just offered to go over and help Jason so Angie could go. He's a good man! So, that about covers things here. We did talk to the Karen girls about Little Sibs weekend, and it seems like the Eh's and Ehne Thau can all go, so that should be really fun. Hannah is a trooper for being willing to have them all there. THAT will be something they will always remember!! "Remember the time we went to stay with Hannah at college?" I haven't had any time to read or work on becentsable stuff lately, but that is to be expected with all that we had planned this weekend. Next weekend, Jeff and Abby are going to see the Civil Wars on Friday night, so I'll do that stuff then, and Abby has something on Saturday with Brandon et al so we won't be having the Karen girls over then either. But we do have small group on Saturday night. Oh, and I told them (the Karen girls) that they were going to be mad at Katie. They said, "Did she cut her hair?" Jeff showed them pictures, and they said it didn't look like Katie anymore. But they didn't seem particularly shocked or anything! Ehler did ask why she wanted to cut her hair. I just explained that she had had the same hair cut since high school, and she wanted to look more grown up now and try something different. Maybe they'll understand some day! OK, I guess that will be it for now. Until later, dear readers!


Melissa said...

I'm sorry for the lack of breaks between thoughts/paragraphs. I tried to go back and put them in after I published it the first time, but it still came out all bunched together. Why, Blogger, why?

Kaite said...

2. There should be a word that describes getting stuff done like Mrs. Jones does!
3. I'm glad the Karen girls aren't going to hunt me down. =D

Miss you talk to you soon! :D