Monday, March 07, 2011

Monday, Monday, Sunny Monday

Today it is sunny!! And around 40 degrees which is so much better than rain/snow/cold. It didn't start out that way this morning, so it was kind of hard to get up on Monday morning, but it got better as the day went on.

My back was stiff this morning, and I got my heating pad hot and used it during breakfast, took some Advil and went to school. Thankfully, Jeff loaded everything in the car for us, and Abby "hauled" it out of the trunk when we got there. When we pulled in, there was no one in the parking lot. Not even the pastor's car was there. So we waited, and he came a few minutes later--said he had "one of those mornings." We had to set up tables, and I had to make copies, but we got it all done. Then, 3 of my 6 students were absent, so we had a small class anyway. Abby sat in there with us and looked up the answers to random questions the kids asked.

I made it through the first two classes, graded papers, and was encouraged to see much improvement in the papers that were handed in. Yay! Then lunch, then more grading, reviewing for SAT. We didn't get through the whole chapter on Algebra--it was long and we had to spend time on the early stuff because everyone's in Geometry and Algebra isn't fresh in their minds. Plus Abby had written on the board, "Did you know you can earn money by scoring well on the ACT/SAT?" So I looked up some stats on what kind of scholarship money is available for what scores at UofA and Kent. Then how long you have to work at minimum wage to earn $1000. Seems it's worth it to at least TRY to score well!

We came home, I walked slowly again around the inside loop, and I wish I could have stayed out longer, but I know I need to take it slower. I felt pretty good though, and I always feel refreshed by the fresh air.

Then I had a quiet time, am listening to DR, and will start dinner soon. I had egg salad for lunch, and I'm planning to have taco salad/burritos for dinner. I want a big salad with some refried beans! Abby and Jeff were talking about wanting Chipotle, so I'll season some black beans, we have rice, chicken, and other things for them to make burritos. I know that it won't be the same, but it's oh, so much cheaper!

We have nothing tonight, there's no Chuck on, so I think Abby and Jeff will go over some SAT stuff. Sounds like fun! :) I'm still working on the book "What Should I Do With My Life?" I should also work on a resume sometime just to have one going in case I ever need it.

Just a funny thing from Saturday, Ehne Thau got a laptop from her dad when she was in Texas. She had called and said that she needed Jeff to fix something, so when we picked her up, she came out with a cute little outfit on, carrying a bag and her laptop in a box (it looked like a briefcase kind of). We told her that she looked like she was going to work! So cute! She was going to Google images and looking at "puppies" while she was here. It's just so funny to see her using a laptop, reading things, playing games when I think about where she started with Hannah so many years ago.

Well, that's the scoop around here. Hannah--any food requests for this weekend? Pray for Abby as she prepares for the SAT--wouldn't be great to just do it fabulously the first time and be done? So glad Katie has had such a wonderful trip last weekend. Hey, DR just quoted Oswald Chambers--gotta love it! Until later, dear readers!

1 comment:

Kaite said...

love Ehne Thau =D

glad your back wasn't too too bad/worse
