Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday

Today was really somewhat normal again. It was a nice "warm" 40 degrees (at least on our thermometer which is maybe all relative), so I went for a walk this morning before it started to rain this afternoon. I then worked on American History prep and Language Arts and realized I goofed up the Physical Science syllabus again. Third time I've printed it out! At least I caught it before I confused all of the children.

We went to Urban Vision at 3pm, and I helped in the reading room which is fairly easy now. I like the plan and organization of it all. Then with homework at 5pm--saw James for a minute. Talked to Ehne Thau who told me, "I moved my house!" They have "moved their house" several times in the years we have known them, but we won't be sad to see their driveway on Tallmadge Ave. go. I think they live near the school now.

It sounds like they can all come to our house on Saturday. They don't have school on Friday either, but Abby and I do have things we need to do.

Then I took Eh Dah Doe home, went to Marc's and got some fruits and veggies, went back to pick up Abby and took Eh Dah Po home, then took Abby to dance. It sounded like teaching her first ballet class went well. The girl who is helping her seems really nice. And I'm sure she'll blog more about this herself, but she was offered an internship to help with the teens this summer. Rodney said as soon as they know what they're doing, he may have things for Katie too. (Any interest in that too, Hannah?) It could have some pay involved, but that is yet to be seen. Sounds like Abby would be helping the teen leaders with planning and events since she is a teen herself, and they are trying to have the teens plan and implement the summer activities. (With much direction of course!) (See, I like parantheses too, KT!)

It was a cold and rainy night. It seems like it always is when I have to leave UV and go to Marc's and then come back. Why is that? I will be glad for warmer weather and more daylight. I've been in hibernation mode. Unfortunately, I think it's supposed to get very cold again at the end of the week.

Oh, while I was making dinner last night--the homemade mac and cheese especially--I was thinking about Isabelle while I was making the "roux" for the "bechamel" sauce. So very French until I added the Velveeta cheese which would have horrified her. I'll bet they don't have that at any of their cheese courses! Ah well, we Americans like "American cheese" (food product?) :)

Tonight when I was reading with Be Bin just at the end of the period when we got there, she was reading about Thomas Jefferson going to...of all places...France. Saying "bon jour" and eating apple pie and ice cream? I don't know. It could be so. But I kind of wondered about him eating "potatoes fried in the French manner" which looked like a box of McDonald's fries. Hmmm...who's writing these books?

It sounded so cozy reading Katie's blog about the family dinner and sitting in the living room around a fireplace talking with Grandmama and everything. How lovely! And dinner sounded really good. I was going to ask her if she'd had any meat since she was there. Maybe a daily posting of dinner menus would be good. :) I think we've gotten most of the meals reported so far though. What's the pasta like? Red sauce, white, meat, veggies? And I'm glad they don't seem concerned at all about being out at night alone. There aren't many places around here that I would feel that way. I would like to know more about the Cafe' where people practice languages? I guess that's the gist of it. How interesting to get to meet others besides just students too. Lovely, simply lovely.

Hoping Hannah had a good day with her busy Tuesday schedule and first day back and all. It wasn't a very nice day to have to be out, but I hope it all went well and the homework wasn't too much.

Well, Jeff went to pick up Abby, so I think I shall have a brief quiet time before I head to bed. Have to teach again tomorrow--a whole module of science--hope those kids are ready for it! It's not too hard though--weather and its prediction. Guess we'll see.
Good night, dear reader!

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