Monday, January 24, 2011

Back to Work/School

First day back at school on a Monday for a while. MLK day, ya know. It was hard to wake up in the cold, dark world, but after that it went OK. It's always so nice to get there and have food cooking that smells good and makes it seem homey.

I got all of my copies made which is always a relief when it works, and I don't have to ask for help. Taught history and language arts. We had a little, informal debate/discussion where I had the boys take the colonists' side on one of the issues we talked about--the Townshend Acts which taxed paint, lead, glass, tea, wine, paper--and the girls take the British side. And then they switched for the Quartering Act which said that they had to house British soldiers, feed them, provide transporation, etc. The boys were sure the British soldiers would be very helpful--babysitting, working, etc. The girls were sure they would just eat all their food and take the horse when it was needed to plow, etc. It was lively, and I think they'll remember at least those issues from today! Middle schoolers love to debate, and boys vs. girls is always a favorite. They also timed themselves (boys v. girls) in matching up some flash cards I made.

I had a break and got all of my grading done for those two classes which is always great. Then lunch--broccoli noodle soup and bean soup and pudding, and these salads made from cucumber and tomato, and then also "keen-wah" which might be spelled "quinoa" but I'm not sure. It's a grain--a "super food" apparently. It looked very interesting and tasted good--like rice, and it had green peppers, onion, and radishes in with it too. Everything April makes is good even if I've never had it or heard of it before. And you KNOW it's healthy!

Then I reviewed SAT stuff, started to prep for LA for next Monday, and taught SAT. We did some flash card-making in class too. I'm not sure any of them are very motivated to really dig in and use them, but I thought at least they should have some time in class to make them. Except for Abby dear, of course. She knows it's important and said she remembers quizzing Hannah on flash cards during the garage sale one year.

Then home and unloading everything. I just rested some and listened to Dave Ramsey. I always need a little unwinding time after school. Then I made chicken divine for dinner, started my quiet time, finished dinner, we ate, and Jeff took Abby to dance tonight for their "make-up" classes from when it snowed. I was going to go to a coupon class at the library, but it was full, so now I just got to finish my QT, and blog, and next watch Chuck. My throat feels a little scratchy and my eyes are kind of burny, so I'll probably try to go to bed early tonight. Everyone around us is getting sick it seems, and I'd really like to avoid that.

I was thinking tonight when I was making dinner, "I wonder if Katie will think how we eat is weird when she gets home after eating differently for a few months?" When she was in Germany and had to cook for herself, I knew she'd be happy to come home and have some old favorites made for her, but I wondered if she'll miss Isabelle's meals of quiche, soupe, applesauce, etc. Maybe she'll just have to get recipes/learn how to make them, and then she can teach US to make them too. But alas, we will have to eat earlier than 8pm!

Also, I was wondering if French high school kids have after school activities that are over by a certain time so they can be home to eat with their families, or if it's like here, where activities take precedence and meals are worked around them or eaten on the run. Or maybe by eating later, they avoid the conflict. Just wondering....

Well, my eyes are tired of looking at a screen again, so I guess that will be it for tonight. Although I will say that it was warmer today--like getting close to 30 degrees--which seemed comfortable for a change! I still didn't walk because it was snowing fairly hard, and I'm not feeling 100%, but maybe tomorrow. I do like to take walks.... Until later, dear reader!


Kaite said...

1. I think I've heard of quinoa so I would concur with your spelling guess

2. I do looooove quiche--although, they don't make anything very spicy here, so I'll be glad to have that again (and didn't realize I would miss it!)

3. I think the conflict is avoided by eating later. Claire does have a math lesson and a trumpet lesson weekly, and I guess they're at American dinnertime, but we just eat late. :)

Melissa said...

Thank you so much for your answering of my questions!