The new week on Monday morning is never as bad as it seems on Sunday night. On Sunday night, it feels like the end of the weekend (which it is), and it feels all sad and dark and dreary. But on Monday morning, it's MORNING! And the beginning of a fresh new week! Weird. But good.
We had to set up our own tables at school, since they weren't having cooking class, and we were the first ones there except for the pastor. That's always weird too. It's all dark and empty. But we did, and then Karen and Carrie came, and soon it was busy, busy. Classes went well I think, I got a bunch of grading done, and ate, and graded some more, and then did the SAT class. Wish I could think of a way to make it more interesting. There's just not much interactive stuff we can do. But I'll keep thinking. I think one thing about being a teacher, is that you can't take it personally when a kid doesn't like your class--the material. They don't see the need for it, and they don't really try. I suppose a really great teacher would see that as a challenge--to engage every student, etc. But SAT is just one of those things that isn't required per se, but could be very beneficial--but only if you understand that and put in the effort. Any suggestions are always welcome! Thankfully, there are those who are engaged and answer questions and look alive!!
It was sunny today! So, as soon as we got home, I went for a walk, then Hannah called, and we talked for 88 minutes! Woo Hoo! It was great to catch up with her and talk about summer plans, majors, etc. Then I started dinner. Actually, I started the banana cc muffins while I was talking to her, and I was afraid I had forgotten to put in the sugar because I couldn't remember doing it. They seemed to taste OK though. Moral of the story for me: Don't talk and cook at the same time. I thought I could, but I guess I'm out of practice!
I made turkey smoked sausage, green peppers, onion, and pierogies for the main course, with salad and oranges.
Jeff and Abby are off to dance--Jeff is only driving, not dancing. Actually, he may not even be doing that! Just accompanying Abby while she does that stuff. I am blogging, having a quiet time, and watching Chuck. I would have gone with them if I were sure we would have a day off tomorrow, but I'm not.
We're supposed to have another winter storm tonight/tomorrow/Wed. Snow and freezing rain. It's forecasted to start tonight and go through Wed. So, we may not go to UV or the basketball game tomorrow, but we won't know until then. And we may not have school on Wed., but we won't know until then. I'm not gonna lie--I'm getting a little tired of the regular snowstorm pattern we have had this winter. Some years it's kind of fun to have a snow day, a storm that cancels things and gives us a break, but this year it has been far too many for my liking! Even with teaching school--instead of feeling like, "Yay! We get another day off!" I feel like, "We need to have time to finish stuff and have some continuity with our classes!" At home, snow doesn't usually do anything to interrupt our schedule with school.
Hannah and I were talking a little bit about vocation, career, and jobs today. From what I'm learning from 48 Days. Vocation is more about your overall calling in life. What do you want your life to accomplish? What has God gifted you to do that you can use to leave a legacy in the world? Then a career is the area of education, training, broad category where you would do that calling. For instance, if my vocation would be to help the poor, I could do that with many careers: teaching, medicine, social work, counseling, law, business.... The trick is to find which career fits with your overall vocational calling, and how to prepare for that. Then, a job is just the specific place you go every day to do that career to accomplish that vocation.
For some reason, that has really given me some things to think about. Instead of just focusing on a J-O-B, I need to think of the bigger picture and see what my calling from God is, then what career I want to use to do that, and THEN, I will be able to see more clearly what kind of job I'm even looking for. I think so often we get that mixed up and just get a job, which may turn into a career, and after a while it becomes our vocation. But that's why many people aren't happy in their careers--they got the order backward! Good stuff!
Well, Chuck is on in 30 minutes, and I need to have a quiet time before that, so I will bid you adieu dear readers, until next time. TTFN!
Chuck was so good you came back and posted that it was so good??? =D THERE'S something to look forward to!
I like the definitions! Good things to think about. I vote we all move someplace exotic and start a hybrid of L'abri and Plumfield! =D
Yes, it was. I have watched it three times now--once alone, once with Abby at lunch, and once again tonight with Dad and Abby, and I have enjoyed it all three times!
I agree--we could all use our gifts well there!
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