Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Another snow day? WHAAAAAT?!

Wow, God must really be serious about me resting because we had another snow day today! It did snow quite a bit last night, but the roads weren't that bad today. But I guess I'm glad we have another day off. I did go to the grocery store this morning because we needed some things that were on sale today and not tomorrow. Lots of yogurt! :) The Giant Eagle parking lot was so empty--I've never seen it like that before.

It has been so nice and weird to have free time. Time to do what needs to be done, but not in a rush or with stress or a schedule. Life has not been like that for several months. Recovery mode! I read Good Housekeeping last night--Jeff came home from dropping off Abby at dance, so I just read and chatted with him off and on. I did manage to stay up until 10pm!

I worked on making some jewelry this afternoon for a lady who ordered a bracelet at the craft show in December. She's probably wondering if I forgot. So that was good to get done.

We're listening to the Dave Ramsey show too. Wow, I could get lazy if I keep this up.

It's way too cold and windy to go for a walk outside today. The sun is out right now, but it has been snowing and BLOWING all afternoon. Reminded me of The Long Winter when they had blizzards one after the other. Thankfully, it hasn't been that bad.

We'll get to see Randy, Mary Jo, and Kata and Troy this Saturday in Wooster. They are coming to town to talk about getting married there, but they aren't planning a date until spring 2012. It will be exciting to see them and meet Troy. That means we can't have the Karen girls over again. I feel bad about that, but obviously seeing the family takes priority. We'll have to keep trying I guess. They'll be saying, "I thought you forgot all about us!" again. Oh well, I am trying to just go with the flow of life right now and not stress about all that can't be done.

I was so excited to read that Katie is feeling better today!! I was hoping she could go to class and not feel behind. And, how exciting that her coat is "in style" there too!! That was a God thing for sure, because we certainly weren't looking for it. And, how nice that the weather is warmer than here! It sounds so fun to just walk around Tours in the hustle and bustle of sales, etc. I'd love to live in a place where I could walk out of my house and go shopping, eat, walk around and people watch. I mean, technically, I guess I do walk a lot, and if I were desperate, I could walk to Target and Panera, but somehow it's just not the same... :)

Now I get to figure out what to make for dinner. I did make a menu, but it was based on us going to BOW and then to GE and the library. Now I'm home and have more time, so I could probably do better than spaghetti. Whatever it is, it needs to be HOT!

Well, I guess that's all the boring details of life at our house today. Oh, one more thing. I was reading the Sunday paper last night, and I always look at the job classifieds. I was telling Jeff that I wasn't qualified for any of the jobs, but then I came across this listing for a mentor for an Upward Bound summer program for kids who are first generation college bound. It was full time from May 31-July 24, and it involves going around with teens at Stark State for this program, taking them on field trips, helping with homework. Sounds like exactly what I've been doing for YEARS!! But, I don't really want to work full time this summer when I have all of my girls home. I want to be around too! But, it was reassuring to know there could be something I could do!! I'm still praying about something to do to earn money this summer, but I want it to be the right thing, not just anything!

OK, I think that pretty much takes care of today...more later, dear reader!

1 comment:

Kaite said...

likes both of these posts (and esp. the title of this one) a lot! And yes, you are glad that you don't have to wait for weeks and weeks--I've been reading Little Women before I fall asleep and parts of it are letters from Amy and Jo. :) Today the weather's even nicer--a little bit of sunshine! (not to rub it in ;) love! KT