Monday, June 21, 2010

The longest day of the year went so fast!

So, we had a great weekend, but rather busy too. On Saturday, we got to talk to Katie which was awesome! Love to see her face and hear stories in "person" even though blogging works great the rest of the time. Felt bad about using all of her internet for the day though. So glad she's doing so well and having such a great experience.

I also listened to part of a "webinar" from Arbonne about getting started--ironically, since it took the presenter FOREVER to get started talking about getting started. Once she did, it was a pretty helpful overview of what it takes. If I didn't have so many fears about being the "Arbonne Lady" and the time commitment and if I could do it, it does sound like it would fit with a lot of my interests and abilities. She talked about "intrapeneurs" which I understood to be introverts who are risk averse, but who want to start a business. That, too, sounds like me! So, I'll keep praying and see what God says. I think what I'd most like it being able to show up for a few hours someplace and get paid a decent and regular amount for doing something I'm good at and enjoy. With flexible hours of course...Not sure if that exists!

We also went to Sarah's party on Saturday which was very nice--got to sit and talk to the neighbors and eat delicious food--they had little cups of brownie trifle with Butterfingers instead of Heath bars. AND, this delicious raspberry, cool whip dessert too. Yummy! And so nice to get to sit and visit since at our party we didn't really get to do that.

We got home from that party in time to go to Lynne's retirement party! That too was wonderful! Her garden was beautiful and the Mexican food was awesome too. We got to talk to Lisa and Jeff a lot which was so nice. Stayed until around 9:30pm.

On Sunday, Abby helped Jeremiah with his worship team--Kayla came and so did Alena although Alena just watched. Made me miss Katie to see 2/3 of the 3 Musketeers from Kent! And it made me excited to see everyone from Kent again when Katie and Hannah are back there this fall. Guess we'll be there soon enough with Hannah's orientation this week.

We had to deal with the "bird situation" when we got home from church. "We" as in "Dad" because he was the brave and noble hero. He handled it all valiantly!! We had Subway for lunch and chicken and sweet potato fries and broccoli for dinner with brownies and ice cream for dessert. Poor Dad--he didn't get the most pampering in the food department this birthday/Father's Day. Glad he doesn't mind much!

Today I walked before it got too hot, then Abby and I went to the bank and library and Giant Eagle. Cleaned up the house since Uncle Tom is coming to spend the night tomorrow and then going to Millersburg and Bowling Green and coming back on the 28th overnight and leaving on the 29th. Sad that we have to leave so early on Wed. morning for orientation and won't really get to see him much until he comes back. Oh well, such is life! Abby and Hannah washed the Honda--it was disgustingly dirty! Now it looks shiny, and it will probably rain and mess it up again!

Tonight we are watching "Alice in Wonderland" from a free RedBox deal Dad got. It's just as weird not in 3-D! But perfect for the story.

Tomorrow is Urban Vision week 2. Then cooking for Tom and the fam--though Hannah has to work. Wed. is orientation from 8am-8pm! Long day according to Kay, and she had to go through it twice--once with Caleb and once with Rachel! Hoping to see Emily maybe? Then Thursday we go back from 8-12. Hannah spends the night. Friday we are planning to have the Karen girls over. Then a free weekend? Dad has to teach on Sunday, so he'll be busy with that, but I may be able to do something else.

I've been questioning if I even have time to do anything more than what I'm doing, especially with teaching two new classes and having no idea how long they will take to prepare for on a weekly basis. I want to make some money, but I don't want to overcommit and be exhausted and grumpy all the time. I'm sure Abby and Dad would prefer I be pleasant to be around too. This is one of those times when I am having a hard time being patient and waiting for God to show me what to do. I feel like I'd like to just start working and stop thinking about it. But I believe that God has a good plan for me, and I need to keep asking, keep seeking, keep knocking and He'll show me what it is at the right time.

Well, since I don't have a warm pig belly for my aching feet, I guess I'll just put them up and enjoy the movie. So that's that for now!

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