Sunday, June 13, 2010

The lesson of today

We finished our garage sale on Saturday and made a grand total of $80 on the two days! The least we've ever made, but still more money than we had when we started! It was good to go through stuff and sell some, and for some reason, I find having a garage sale fascinating--seeing all the people who come. There are several who come every year whom I recognize. Maybe I just don't get out enough and that's why I think it's so interesting. :)

We tore things down around 1:30pm, and then I went to Target for several things we needed and got a gift for Chelsea for graduation too. Then to Nick Brenner's grad party.

When we got home, we all four did an exercise from What Color is Your Parachute? where we had 10 pieces of paper each and wrote at the top of each one: Who am I? Then we listed one thing about ourselves at the top. Like: mom, student, musician, etc. Under each one we listed what excites us about that area of our lives, what we feel passionate about, why we enjoy that aspect of life. Then we put the 10 papers in order of importance and looked for themes in all the areas. For me, relationships and time with people came up in being a wife, mom, friend, etc. It was really interesting to see how different our themes were--you should do it too sometime and tell us what you came up with!

We thought it would be helpful for Hannah as she is deciding about college majors, Abby as she is thinking about the future, me as I am thinking about what is important to me in a job, and Dad because he won't work for Timken forever--and it's just good to make him write on paper with a pencil and think about something introspective once in a while!! :)

Today was church and a meeting afterward to get ideas from church members who live in the neighborhood of the church about how to reach the neighborhood and meet needs there. We got Donatos Pizza! After today, Mike will be on a 4 week sabbatical and not attending any church things. First time in 30 years of pastoring that he's had this long of a break! Well-deserved and much-needed I'm sure! They're going on vacation for part of that time too.

So this afternoon, Dad and Abby went driving to get a newspaper. We let our subscription die since the paper has gotten smaller and smaller and I really only want the Sunday paper for coupons. And the subsciption price has gone up and up.

Abby and Hannah are at Nipto and youth group, and I just had a QT while Dad had a nap. Really good section in John 9 about Jesus healing the blind man. I love how Jesus dealt with many blind people differently, healed them differently and interacted differently. This man he didn't ask any questions before He made the clay and told him to go and wash in the pool. The man doesn't seem to ask any questions either--just goes and does it. That seemed humble of him to me, because it may have seemed like, "Why do I have to go and do this if Jesus could just heal me right here?" I was thinking about Hannah and college since we were talking about the TEACH grant--to take it or not? And how God works differently in everyone's life, and maybe He wants to work His works in her life through this even though it seems like an extra, unnecessary step right now. Maybe it will lead to miraculous things later...Certainly it would meet a need right now and give us some time to earn the money even if she decides not to teach later.

Then I read My Utmost for the past couple of days and today was really good--June 13:
"One of the greatest hindrances in coming to Jesus is the excuse of temperament. We make our temperament and our natural affinities barriers to coming to Jesus....If you will give God your right to yourself, He will make a holy experiment out of you. God's experiments always succeed. The one mark of a saint is the moral originality which springs from abandonment to Jesus Christ. In the life of a saint there is this amazing wellspring of original life all the time; the Spririt of God is a well of water springing up, perennially fresh. The saint realized that it is God who engineers circumstances, consequently there is no whine, but a reckless abandon to Jesus....If you abandon to Jesus, and come when He says, "Come," He will continue to say, "Come" through you; you will go out into life reproducing the echo of Christ's "Come." That is the result in every soul who has abandoned and come to Jesus."

That is all I could wish for myself and all of my family! No matter where we are around the world! :)

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