Saturday, June 26, 2010

A "Free" Saturday

A nice day off. No coffee though. By the time we got up and went for a walk, it was pretty warm and coffee didn't sound as good as iced tea! We cleaned and that took until noon. Ate lunch and Abby and I went to Shaffer's Market--I drove with Abby for the first time, and she did a great job! Even with the crazy parking lot at Shaffer's. I think everyone and their brother were there! :)

We saw Hannah off to work again tonight and then went to Target for orange juice. Came home with Pupperoni, rice (on clearance--why? I have no idea.), sunscreen (the Karen girls COATED themselves with it yesterday!), Orbit, and even OJ. Plus gifts for Nicole, Elysia, and Rachel for graduation. Then we watched USA lose in the World Cup--so sad.

Jeff golfed with Craig and has been working on his sermon for tomorrow every other spare minute. He has plenty of material--just trying to cut it down to fit.

It's hot today, but not terribly humid, so I don't mind it. It IS summer after all. And watching those fans at the soccer match all bundled up reminds me to enjoy the heat while we have it! We'll be cold again soon enough.

I made a meal for Justin and Laura tonight. Cheesy potatoes with chicken and peas, banana cc muffins, and strawberries and blueberries. I didn't bake the potatoes--too hot and I don't know when they'll end up eating it. Better when it's just made I think. Justin told me last Sunday that any day I wanted to make them a meal would be just fine--I HAD told them I would bring one after everyone else was done, and I guess he just didn't want me to forget! I think he probably was loving the home cooking!

I started reading a book by Jean Chatzky called "The Difference." Kind of about the difference in mindset between different groups of people based on financial situation and how anyone can change some ways of thinking to improve their situation. Not sure if it will be about being "open to the universe sending you money" kind of a thing or something truly useful, but I just started it and have liked other books by her, so we'll see.

I saw an ad in the Southside Leader for a 4 day/week job from 2-6pm for a family to do light housework and cooking. I am qualified for that, but not sure I want to commit to working four days per week every week at certain times. But it's good to know there really are jobs like that. It said it was a "professional" couple with a college son and high school son. Hmmm...also not sure I want to clean up after them if they need to hire someone to do it! :)

Read John 15 today about abiding in the Vine. So true that we can do nothing unless we are connected to our source of nourishment and life. I am also trying to focus on abiding by being obedient to what I know to do (like making a meal to serve someone) and believing that God will show me the next step as I'm taking the ones I know to take now. Also, trusting that by doing things God's way and in His timing, I will bear much fruit--which will honor Him most. Without Him I can do nothing. That validates my desire to seek God's specific leading on the next phase of life and not just try something I think might be good. Jesus said over and over that He did nothing on His own initiative, but as the Father told Him what to do and say, He did it. That sounds good to me!

So glad to hear that Katie is having a great time in Prague. It still seems unreal at times that she's so far away in EUROPE and not just in Virginia Beach or Kent. But we didn't see her in Kent this week, so I guess she's really not there. And she keeps sending us these wonderful postcards from exotic places, so I guess she's really there! What an awesome opportunity for such an awesome daughter! We miss her and can't wait to have her home again, but are so happy for her experiences in Germany this summer. She's a peach! Mwah!

Abby went to Target with Katie F. so Dad and I are all alone--him typing his sermon and me this what it will be like soon? I have a feeling we won't be bored very often though. I can think of lots of things to do, but reading sounds best right now. So, off to see what "The Difference" is and how to attain it!

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