Friday, June 15, 2012

End of the Week Wrap-Up

Even though no one has commented on my recent blogs (boo hoo, tear, tear), I will still keep writing them in the hopes that Hannah reads them sometime and can keep up on home stuff!  (And Kaite too even though she's been home every weekend!)     :)

Thursday was a major shopping day--for Jeff's birthday and for groceries too.  Went to Goodwill for  35% off day, to the thrift store, to Aldi, and to GE.  It was tiring, but well worth the effort!  Can't say exactly what I got 'cause Jeff hasn't opened his presents yet!  (And he's reading over my shoulder right now!)

I made dinner quickly on Thursday after Abby and I watched a Gilmore Girls episode, then I went to Panera with Angie and Alycia.  And actually, Jeff went to the same one with Isaiah.  But we didn't ride together because he was mowing the grass until the very last minute, showered, and ate, and I didn't think he'd ever get ready in time, so I said I'd ride with Angie.  As it turns out, he got there before we did because he's a driving pro and didn't get behind a truck like Angie.  :)

We sat outside after Panera closed and kept chatting until about 10:30pm, so I got to bed very late.  It was kind of funny though:  when I ordered my decaf cafe mocha with non-fat milk, the guy who was starting to make it poured milk straight from the container into the cup without steaming it.  When I said, "Is that milk heated?" (and knew the answer was obviously "no") he said, "Oh, no.  Sorry.  They're just training me."  So then he took the metal cup that he was supposed to steam the milk in, and started putting chocolate syrup into that.  Justine was working and said, "Whatcha doing, Joe?" and he realized he goofed again.  Poor guy--off to wash that out.  Justine just made my mocha for me at that point.  I could be really understanding though because I know what it's like (from you all) to be new at Panera!

Today was a work-at-home day--cleaning, laundry, bank stuff, getting Jeff's presents ready.  Tired, but glad to have all of that done. 

Tonight we're planning to get Chipotle for dinner, since it's Jeff's birthday, and Kaite isn't coming home until tomorrow morning (Chipotle's not her favorite!).  Abby worked 8am-2pm, went for frozen yogurt after that, and swimming a little too.

Maybe we can watch a "guy movie" tonight instead of making Jeff watch "GG" with us!

It's warm today, but breezy--no AC yet, but it's supposed to be hot for the next several days, so we'll see.  It's only the middle of June, but our grass is brown and dry already.  So little rain and so many hot days.  And not much chance of rain in the forecast.  No "rainy season" here!

Well, off to eat and celebrate with Jeff and Abby!  We miss Hannah being here with us to celebrate, but know we'll have lots of time to have fun when she gets home.  We just got an invitation to a graduation party the day before she gets home, so it can't be that far away, right??  :)

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