Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A sick day :(

Oh, my. It's no fun to be sick. This is first day I can remember not even going downstairs in maybe forever. I started to feel weird last night when I went to bed, and didn't sleep much during the night. I finally went to the blue chair because my head hurt so much lying down flat. But after a while, my back hurt from sitting up kind of. I was SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO achy. And my stomach was all upset.

When Jeff got up, he agreed to stay home and take care of me today, and I'm very thankful he did. I felt like I couldn't lift my head off the pillow for a long time. He got me popsicles and pop and put Monk on for me to listen to/watch. He's a good hubby.

I still haven't had anything much to eat except popsicles and pop and now a few Cheerios. Jeff also got me Tylenol to take for the achiness which has made a big difference. I didn't want to take Advil because of having an empty stomach. So, I feel a little bit better, but I'm so tired of lying down/sitting all day. And I've taken several naps.

Greta has been my constant companion. She hasn't moved from her spot on the bed all day. It's kind of amazing that she hasn't wanted to go out, eat, get a drink. Jeff has offered to take her downstairs, and out, and feed her, but she just looks at him and doesn't move. She really would stay in bed all day if someone were around to keep her company! (He finally did scoop her up and take her out for a walk even though she didn't look interested. She'll probably be up all night now...)

I'm not sure if I'll be able to teach my science class tomorrow. Karen has offered to teach it for me which is very nice. It takes the pressure off if I'm really not up to it, and it prevents the kids from missing a class. She's such a good teacher, that she can wing it and it'll still be better than what I can do winging it! I read the chapter and looked at the power points, but that's all the prep I can do.

Tomorrow, I was also supposed to go and stuff Easter eggs for the egg hunt on Saturday. I just said I couldn't do that. I'll need every minute to get science stuff together if I do teach.

I feel like God is teaching me that I am vulnerable to all of the things other people struggle with too. In the past, I so rarely forgot anything important, so rarely got sick enough to have to stay in bed all day, that it was easy to think those things just don't happen to me--I'm immune, or something. But, I have been very humbled by my many forgetful moments, and now this illness reminds me that no matter how careful I may be to prevent it, I can still get the flu. I guess I'm just human like everyone else!

I'm praying that no one else here gets it. Abby is planning to have friends over on Friday for her birthday, and that would be so disappointing if she got sick. However, she and I have kept our distance today, so maybe she will avoid it. Jeff has had to be around me, but I'm praying he'll stay healthy too.

We all have to be healthy for Kaite's return on Saturday, and I certainly don't want to infect Hannah when she comes home to see us this weekend too! She still has a couple of weeks to finish and too much to do to be sick.

Yesterday was a good day overall until the night part of it. School went fine and I rested some when I got home before making dinner. I had to go to Target to get refried beans for the taco salad because I realized I didn't have any after I started making it. Again, why don't I have refried beans? It was also kind of frustrating--though now it doesn't seem like a big deal. I ran over there, couldn't find them at first, and finally did. Was feeling like a loser--like I was losing my marbles, and then when I was walking down the main aisle to check out, a little, tiny girl was singing in her cart, "Don't give up! Keep on trying! Don't give up! Keep on trying!" I had to laugh and think, "OK, I won't give up--I'll keep on trying even when I forget stuff and don't have it all together." God's little reminder to me!

So, that is the scoop around here. Prayers for a quick recovery are much appreciated. I am praying for Kaite's sore throat, and Hannah's much work to do, and that Abby has a good birthday on Friday. I feel ready for another nap! Until later, dear readers!

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