Monday, April 04, 2011

It's WARM today!! But raining....

Saturday night our small group was fun and zoo-y as ever! We got pizza, so the cooking was easy. Except for Jeff who had to get everyone's pizza orders. :)

I felt really tired and discouraged after everyone left though. Like I just keep doing things, and it feels like it's not making any difference. Like in our small group, we can hardly have a conversation without yelling over the kids, and I wonder if anyone is getting anything out of it. Maybe it's more work for the parents just to come than it is worth the effort for them.

And I feel like I need Spring Break. I'm tired of just keeping up the same routine every day--Monday, school. Tuesday, prepping school and UV. Wednesday, school, errands, Thursday, prepping for school, and Friday, cleaning. And every day I have to work to fit in walking and making dinner and a quiet time. It feels like a battle just to fit in those things let alone anything I really want to do that's extra. Shopping? No. Thrift store? No. Meeting friends? Not very often. Reading a book? That's about all I've been able to do, squeezed in between the "have to do's." So, I think I'm just feeling a leetle beet burned out.

I told Jeff all of that, and then on Sunday, Mike's message was all about hope for right now based on the hope we have for eternity. Do not grow weary of doing good. Yeah--he just always seem to know what people need to hear. So, I will keep going, and trying to make sure that what I do for my everyday jobs, I'm really doing for the Lord. But I still AM looking forward to spring break!

We did get some very exciting news on Sunday too! Kaite said that Claire is allowed to come to visit us this summer!!! We are all so excited! We got to skype with Katie and Isabelle and Claire and briefly "met" Herve. They are so sweet and funny--they laugh a lot--and it was SO cool to get to hear Kaite speak French when she was translating for us back and forth. So, the details are being worked out, and we shall soon know when exactly she will be here. I hope she has a good time and that she learns a lot and feels comfortable here. They have been so kind to Kaite, and we are happy to be able to say "thank you" in such a tangible way.

It made me realize that I really have NO idea what this summer will look like because never in a million years would I have thought up this idea! So I just told God that whatever He has planned for us this summer is OK with me. I will go with it, and I will stop trying to figure it out. I'm looking forward to knowing, but I know I can't know it all now. Patience!

Jeff and Abby went to IMPACT last night, but I stayed home, went for a walk, and worked on grocery stuff. I did go for a walk after my dinner of grilled cheese and tomato soup. Nice that it's not dark yet at 8pm! We watched "Secret Millionaire" for a little bit--very cool to see people who have a lot of money give it away! That would be SO much fun!!

Today, Karen called at 8am and said April was sick and wouldn't be there, and she warned me that she wouldn't be there until 8:45am. So Abby and I had a little extra time. It's warmer and so much better temperature-wise today (60s). However, it started raining this morning and has been all day now. There were some really big lightning/thunderclaps during the day too. But now it's just steadily raining. It's supposed to be colder again tomorrow, so we might have more wind and storms tonight as the cold front comes through again. I was glad Greta was downstairs when we got home.

Abby has to babysit an extra day this week so she'll be busy, and we're having a leader's dinner here on Wednesday night. Making pulled pork though, so that will be simple. We're also planning to go to the new family's house on Sunday for lunch--James and Jenny. That should be fun. We're getting Donato's pizza--yum!

Well, I guess Jeff won't be golfing tonight, and I should therefore, make a good dinner. Abby suggested soup. So I should go and make it. I'd rather take a nap. Rainy afternoons are great for that. Ah well...Until later, dear readers!

1 comment:

Kaite said...

I think you already seemed a little tired and discouraged when I skyped with you before lifegroup, so I bet it didn't all start with the screaming children... ;)

Yeah, crazy how little we know about everything that's starting (for me anyway) in two weeks! I did sign up for a class for sure--end of may beginning of June. :)