Friday, July 23, 2010

A Quick Update on Friday

Just a quick update on today. First, we were sad last night to read in the newspaper (that Hannah brings home free now from Panera when she works) that one of Katie's teachers at Kent died in a car accident last weekend. I saw her name and knew I should know who that was, and then realized it was Katie's Freshman Colloquium prof whom she was with all that year. She was a good teacher, and it is a big loss to the students and faculty at Kent State. We're so sad about that.

Today I went for a walk at 8:30am, and it was already too hot. The thermometer said 100 degrees today, and the heat index is over 100. It's probably "only" in the 90s but still...too hot to even walk outside. I swept the walk and porch this afternoon since we're having our small group over tonight, cut a few flowers, and was sweating just from that. I think it's supposed to cool off some on Sunday and maybe have the humidity go down then too. That would be good since Elysia's grad party is at a park Sunday afternoon.

Sarah came over for our ACT study session. She is a really sweet girl. She took a practice test while we were gone last week, and her science score went up from the first time she took it. So far, that's all we've worked on. We're starting on math now which means I have to really study. I wish math were as obvious to me as English stuff, but it isn't so I'll just have re-learn the things I don't remember. I CAN learn it, but sometimes even if I know it, I have a hard time seeing how to apply it to the ACT questions. I told Jeff he may have to come in to BOW and teach the math weeks--you know, just 4 or 5 weeks out of the semester!

While we were working on that, Kasey and Bethany called to say they would be in the area and could have lunch with us. So we went to Chipotle and met them around 12:15-1:45. It was great to hear about their summer and church experiences and to catch them up on Yackley news. Some friends you just pick up with so quickly like they never left!

Hannah went to work, and I did some cleaning that I planned to do much earlier, but finished by 3:30pm instead of lunch time. I'm making pulled pork for small group dinner, and eveyone else is bringing something, so my part is pretty easy. We invited Kasey and Bethany to come if they're still here and are free. It would be fun to have them stop in and see the babies anyway! Of course, they don't even know Justin and Laura--weird!

I had a quiet time and feel like I could take a nap. I read Acts 7 (I think) where Stephen gives the whole history of Israel from Abraham to David--what a great one chapter overview of the Old Testament. He really knew his stuff to be able to do that. Of course, even though what he said was true and accurate, the religious leaders didn't like it and ended up stoning him. Still, he responded rightly no matter what they did. That's really pretty amazing. Full of the Holy Spirit to be sure!

So, we go to get Greta tomorrow, and it looks like the Karen girls CAN come over in the afternoon. I finally got Eh Ler on her cell phone today. Hope she remembers to tell her sisters! Sometimes she doesn't! I also hope Ehne Thau calls so I can tell her. She called one day, but hasn't called back this week. I guess I'll try her house--sometimes she's other places when she calls me, but I'll try and hope someone there speaks English!

Another busy weekend. Guess it's good we're never bored--I mis-typed "bored" as "gored" and I guess that's true too! :) Oh, it was funny today when we got home from lunch, there was a message from Kelly with the twins sister needing a babysitter--an answer to prayer--getting more families for Abby to babysit. And a mom from BOW asking if I still have room in my science class--another answer to prayer for more students in my classes. I'm thankful God is my Father and has promised to provide! Hannah is talking to Lenny today about job openings so we'll see what he says and if it's worth it for Abby to keep thinking about working or just wait until next March.

Guess I'll go and fold the last load of laundry and then read until I have to get things ready for small group--which is only a few minutes--how time flies!

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