Thursday, September 02, 2010

No funny title ideas today

The second day of school (Wed.) was much quieter and emptier at BOW. Less kids take classes on Wednesday I guess, and since I didn't have to go until around 11am, it felt kind of weird. Like being in school when everyone else got to leave and have fun! My class wasn't until 12:30pm, but I went early for Karen to show me how to use her projector for Power Point slides (that she made and let me use--she's a gem!). I had also invited a new family to come and observe classes on Wednesday, so I thought I should go and meet them too.

I ate lunch there and was talking to some of the moms, and one mom whose daughter was going to be in my physical science class that day said, "I just want you to know that my daughter isn't thrilled with taking this class. She saw how much work it was for her brother when he took it, and she's kind of dreading it." Great. But her point in telling me wasn't to make me feel stressed or anything. It was so that if I needed to give her a "let's have a cheerful attitude" talk, I would know I had her permission!

I didn't feel as prepared for this class, mostly because I couldn't really get a feel for how it would go--time, order, power point stuff. So I decided I just had to do it, and then next time I'll know better. It was tricky using someone else's slides because I didn't always know when there was a new slide for the next topic, so I did some backtracking, etc. But the experiment went well, and the kids talked and answered questions, so overall, I thought it was OK. The best part was at the end when the "dreading the class" girl was leaving and said, "Thanks for teaching us. I had fun today!" OK, so I guess it wasn't awful!!

We cleaned up and left quickly to go home and meet Jeff to go to Kent. Tom Short was going to be preaching on campus, and we wanted to go and hear him. It's always interesting to hear what people think. When we got there someone had just asked him what he thought about the mosque being built in NYC right near Ground Zero. I thought he gave an excellent answer. (He had just been there last weekend to see it.) He said that legally, they have every right to build it there, but if their reason is really to "build a bridge" between Muslims and America, it's a totally insensitive and wrong thing to do. That led to a barrage of comments and questions about Islam--one student there was Muslim and very out-spoken. And very angry that Tom would say that Christianity is right and Islam is wrong. It went on for a long time, and he had to keep repeating himself because new students would walk up and ask the same thing he had just covered over and over.

Even Christians told him they thought he was doing the wrong thing by being there talking to a crowd. I find that sad. Especially because everything he said was true, and he said it in a good way--didn't beat around the bush, but was never offensive or rude or unkind. Unlike so many of those who spoke to him. Someone even threw two eggs--missed everyone, but apparently trying to cause a distraction. Tom ignored it and kept talking. Even when he was telling this very personal story about his father-in-law who was an atheist for 70 years and finally at the end of his life admitted he needed God, this guy was writing with chalk on the ground in a big circle around where Tom was sitting: The only truth about God is found within. Listen to no one else. Or something like that. He ignored that too.

Wow. I know that is his gift and calling, and that's why we go to support him when we can because it's a hard job!!

We ate dinner with him and others, saw Katie for a little, got to see Hannah's room with a roommate's stuff in it--didn't get to meet the roommate yet. Heard a little about classes and roommate stuff from Hannah and Katie, and that was about it. Quick visit, but we'll get to catch up more this weekend.

Today was an "at home" day--laundry, school with Abby, planning for the next science class now that I know what I need to figure out, and soon, making dinner. Jeff is going to the Browns game with some friends, and Abby and I are going to Angie's to help with kids while Jeff takes Jason away to the game. Haven't gotten to see them much for a while, so that will be fun. Love those sweet kiddos!! And love to get to chat with Angie too of course!!

OK, eggs, bacon, and toast for dinner it is. We have to eat early since Jeff is leaving for the game, so I'm making something easy! More later, dear readers!

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