Sunday, August 01, 2010

First Post of August: How weird is that?

I had a hard time getting up for church today. My back hurt--I think it's because I forgot to stretch after our walk last night because I came in and started doing stuff right away. But church was good, and Rosie's shower went well. Her mom really seemed to enjoy it because she didn't have to do anything for it! Some of Chris and Rosie's family--like sisters, grandmas, moms came too which was nice. It sounds like the wedding on Friday will be lovely. They'll walk down the "Birchwood Alley" (pronounced "a-lay" like it's French or something). It's outdoors so hopefully the weather will be nice. And the reception sounds like it will be great--lots of good food and a swing band.

We got home around 3:15pm and unloaded and unpacked and now I'm resting. So tired!

This is going to be a crazy week. Not even sure I want to start to think about it yet, but maybe I should just to get things straight in my head.

OK, here goes: Monday: Dr. appt. for Hannah to get her shot and hopefully get her "disability" form filled out for her hearing loss. Then meeting Karen at Hillwood to go through her science stuff and see what she has that I can use. She's sweet that way. Then picking Abby up at driving. Then sometime going to the grocery store and trying to sort out what I'm doing for the history and LA classes so I can tell others and order stuff.

Tuesday seems not too busy so far except for driving school. Hannah works M, T, W.

Wednesday: babysit for the twins in the morning so that Angie can take the boys to get a hair cut before family pics next weekend. They need an updated church directory photo since they now have two new members! Meet with Rosie and Chris in the afternoon and maybe take Abby to meet Maddie from Cleveland in the afternoon too? Somehow we'd have to combine those things. And maybe meet with Marettes and Coopers in the evening though I haven't heard anything more about that today.

Thursday: nothing unless I move my tutoring appointment that is scheduled for Friday to Thursday because...

Friday: Hannah is planning a Kent field trip with Rachel and Caleb and if I can go and stay and visit with Lindsay and Eva, I will, but I need to call them. Otherwise, Hannah may just drive to Ferences and go over with them, or I'll take her to their house and have to be back by 10am to tutor. The wedding is at 4pm so we'd need to be back by 2pm to get ready and get there.

Saturday: Get ready for Katie coming home!!! Yay!!!

Sunday: Katie comes home!!! Yay!!!

And then the crazy "after Katie comes home" schedule begins. Actually, we haven't planned a whole lot yet, but have a few things we'd like to try to do before leaving again for NYC.

Oh, my, are you tired yet, dear reader? Sorry to put my tired brain on you, but it helps sometimes to spell it out (literally).

So, now Hannah is skyping with Katie, and I'd like to say HI, so I must go!

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