Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Plans and Lists

Last night Dad and I took a walk and talked a little about my future plans. There are so many options that could be good, but I don't want to waste time on things that aren't the best use of my time. I've committed to teaching an SAT/ACT prep class for BOW next year and also a Physical Science class. So I definitely need to prepare for those this summer. But there's also taking online classes to get my nursing license up to date, doing tutoring, and even Arbonne is a possibility I have never fully ruled out. So I'm praying and starting with what I know...

Today I walked and did the church email, laundry, and went to Giant Eagle and the bank to deposit Hannah's graduation gifts--people were so generous! Dad is planning to come home to go to piano and dance and to take the Saturn to get fixed. Of course, the van must have heard and is jealous, because today the "service engine soon" light came on when I drove it!

The Peters are getting some concrete leveled at their house on their walk by their garage, so I went down and asked someone to look at our spot by the garage that is sunken--he said we needed to do it soon so that whole section of the driveway doesn't crack--so that has gone on the June to-do list.

I started one of those today since May is coming to an end, and we did most of those things on that list. There's always lots to do in the summer when I have more time without the school schedule. I know you're dying to know some of the things...

Re-arrange Abby's room and Hannah's room--they're ready for some different furniture arrangements.

Re-arrange the school room--Abby didn't use it much at all for school last year, so I may move my beads back there. Would love to move the computer too, but I don't know if there's enough room for both.

Clean carpets, touch up stain on the deck and porch railing, and the biggest of all--paint the garage inside and the floor of the garage too. At least it would be done and hopefully still look nice for Abby's graduation party in two years! When we were cleaning it, it was obvious it really needs paint!

But I'm trying to just put things on the list and not get frustrated that everything needs to be done NOW--I keep remembering that "you'll always feel encouraged if you're making progress" so I need to just make progress and not get overwhelmed. Because really, nothing has to be done now--I just wish it were!

Off to make some sandwiches for dinner tonight!


yack said...

the van's jealousy just turned out to be a loose gas cap. And the Saturn didn't get its AC fixed because Mr. Marshall got hit by Hurricane Projectile Sneezer. I know it is hard to believe - but it seems to be a worldwide phenomenon.

Kaite said...

haha! I love these posts! Looks like you have plenty --PLENTY!-- to keep you busy but it's a whole month to-do list, not a next weekend to-do list, so that's good. And it's always nice for me to remember that to-do lists are a lifelong phenomenon and you never really get too old for them. The items just change a little bit. :)love you!

Melissa said...

Indeed, if we are "doing" then we'll always have the lists to go with it! But that's good--keeps us moving forward!