Friday, May 28, 2010

Baby Visit and Thoughts on John 6

We went to see Justin and Laura's new baby, Emerson, last night! He's so cute and sweet--even had his eyes open for part of the time we were there. Justin was very wired and excited about their baby--kept saying "when we were pushing..." and Dad said, "Well, mostly Laura I would imagine," and he'd say, "I was helping!!" Laura was very calm and relaxed--Emerson was born on his due date and so was she!

Today I walked first because yesterday I didn't get to, so I wanted to make sure I got it done. Then we cleaned, did some laundry, started to deal with the school room. Dad was supposed to come home early since Uncle Randy is coming, but he got stuck with something at work--always happens when he wants to leave early.

I guess it's good for all of my family that I'm writing this blog--Hannah said she was reminded that today was the day Uncle Randy was coming by reading my blog. Who needs to talk anymore? I'll just write it all out!!

I was encouraged yesterday by reading in John 6 about Jesus feeding the 5,000. I thought about how He knew exactly how He was going to feed all of those people, but He asked the disciples for their ideas first--maybe partly for them to realize just how impossible it would be for them, humanly, to meet that need. Then someone had the boldness to even suggest that a little boy had 5 loaves and 2 fish--which must have been a kind of ridiculous thing to bring up at that point. And yet Jesus used just that ridiculous option to feed more than 5,000 people with 12 baskets leftover. I was applying it to my situation of feeling like all I have to offer is about the equivalent of 5 loaves and 2 fish in terms of work abilities, skills, experience. And yet, if I am willing to bring that to Jesus and let HIM do the using of them, it could easily meet the needs our family has, with lots extra to share with others. So glad God is not limited by our lack of abilities, etc. What counts is our willingness to put what He's given us back into His hands to use as He chooses. Yay, God!!

Today I read about Jesus walking on the water later in John 6. It sounded like the disciples had waited for Jesus, but He didn't come when they expected Him to, so they went ahead without Him. Then they rowed 3-4 miles in strong winds which must have taken a considerable amount of time, and then He showed up totally unexpected and scared them by walking on the water. I was trying to think about how the disciples must have felt--like Jesus didn't keep His promise to come when He said, like He forgot about them, like He wasn't there when they needed Him. But was Jesus wrong? Never. So then when they did see Jesus, and He told them not to be afraid, and they let Him in the boat, immediately, they were at their destination. How cool would that be? I thought about how maybe Jesus wanted to show them Himself in a new way and that involved not being present in the usual way. But when they believed, and weren't afraid, and let Him in the boat, everything changed in a way they could never have imagined. So even if Jesus doesn't "show up" and work in the way we expect, maybe it's because He wants to do something different and new. I hope we are always willing to let God do things HIS way in our lives so that we don't ever miss the opportunity to get to know Him in a bigger, deeper way.

I wonder what time this will say it's posted? My other posts have said they were posted at weird times--just for reference, it's about 3:00pm right now.

Need to go and call the Karen girls to see if they can come over this weekend sometime. Eh Ler was supposed to call me back, but hasn't yet, and I'd like to know for sure. So that's all for now!

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