So, I guess it's good when I don't do too many exciting things, because when we're busier I have less time to blog. Too busy DOING things to write about them. Sunday was a blur of church (even though we slept in and only went to one service), going to Paige's grad party, then skyping with Katie (yay! Sooo good to see her face!), and making myself prep food for the Karen girls' visit. I just found out right after church that they were coming so I didn't want to make a lot of food if they weren't coming. Then going to pick them up, finishing the dinner (at like 7:15pm after going to Giant Eagle to get more food and movies), and cleaning up the dinner! Whew! We walked and watched "The Spy Next Door" with Jackie Chan which they were really excited to watch, and I wasn't expecting to like it that much, but I did. Then getting everyone ready for bed which is always the hardest time for me--I'm tired and have to get out sheets, pillows, toothbrushes, etc. But thankfully, Hannah and Abby helped out by staying up with them a little and making sure everyone was settled before they came upstairs--Team Work!!
Today we went to the Memorial Day parade which started out sunny and hot and ended with a huge thunderstorm with blowing rain. Of course just when we were stuck in traffic coming home, I realized that our bedroom windows were wide open upstairs!! But since there was nothing I could do about it, I just said, "Oh well.." When we got home, everything was dry--really was amazing--like a Memorial Day Miracle!!
We ate hot dogs, chili, french fries, watermelon for lunch which seemed to take a really long time to get ready since I had to make them in the toaster oven instead of Jeff grilling them since it was raining. I helped Eh Ler with an essay for school and Jeff helped Hser Lar Moo set up her computer (new laptop). Then we started reading The View from Saturday as our new read-aloud book, and we took them home. AFTER a few minutes of "face time" with Katie on skype!!
Then cleaning up--the ants followed the candy bags from the parade into the house--yuck! Hannah was chasing them down with the vacuum though, and it seems she has conquered them for now. We watched "The Princess and the Frog" since we got it with the Karen girls, but several of them had already seen it--I liked it more than I thought I would too. And ABBY and Dad drove the movies back the Red Box--they just arrived home safe and sound!! A successful driving trip!
Now a late dinner of leftovers and hopefully a walk if it doesn't rain--it cleared up, but is now REALLY muggy--not as warm, but way more uncomfortable. So far no AC, but we'll see how long the humidity lasts--it's way worse to me than the mid-80s we had last week. Good weekend overall!!
Monday, May 31, 2010
Saturday, May 29, 2010
A Productive Day
Uncle Randy arrived just after Dad got home from work around 3pm,and we had a nice time to chat before dinner, catch up on all the kids' travels and new experiences, and their new stage of life with Randy officially retired. They will soon put their house on the market and start to build their home by the lake after their house sells. We ate grilled chicken, salmon, stir fried veggies, brown rice, strawberries, salad, and rolls for dinner. Then we walked and hung out for the rest of the evening until Hannah got home around 11pm from work.
Today we were having breakfast, drinking coffee (with Oreos), and Dad said, "So, which projects do you want to help me with today, Randy?" The first one he mentioned was intstalling the security light we had bought a couple of years ago above the basement door outside. Randy said, "That'll take about 10 minutes--what's next!" Love that attitude!! :) Then Dad mentioned that I want a screen door in the garage door, but we are hesitant to put one in because it would be a hassle to have to open it when we were bringing groceries in or something. Dad said, "I wish there were pocket screen doors," and I had said earlier, "We need a screen that pulls down like a blind and then you can roll it back up when you're done with it."
So, Dad looked online and sure enough, such a thing exists!! "Secret Screen" that rolls up and is easy to install and got good reviews from all the buyers. Only $59.95 plus shipping (I think) which is well worth it to me!! So they measured and order it--it even comes with a striped screen so that people can see it and not walk through it!! Brilliant!
Abby and I went to return the rolling backpack at Kohl's, to the bank (pay day you know), and then to the Thrift Store to use our $5 off a $10 purchase coupons. We had two, so we HAD to spend at least $20. Not hard at all!! Abby found pink Converse high tops, cute orange sandals, lots of shorts, a top, and a leotard. I got some really cushy comfy black sandals that are almost like egg crates on the bottom, but still look cute--all shoes should have such padding!! Plus some shorts/capris, two work polos for Hannah, a blouse, and some brand new Limited dark wash jeans! We spent $45 but what a lot of great clothes!!
When we got home (with Icees from Sheetz), the light was installed (took a little longer than 10 minutes, but it was done), Dad and Randy were on the roof clearing the gutter, and then they went to Lowe's or Home Depot to get pipe and bricks to deal with the area by the air conditioner/basement door where the dirt and water all collect when it rains really hard. WOW! So many jobs I never would have expected to have them tackle and actually accomplish. It made me realize how nice it is to have a relative who is willing to help, has more experience with house projects, and has the time to tackle them with us. What a huge encouragement to us!! I am grateful!
Yay!! Memorial Day weekend projects are so encouraging because it feels like you're getting a head start on summer--and it still feels like summer. All week it's been in the 80's, and it's supposed to be near 90 Sunday and Monday.
Not sure yet if the Karen girls are coming tomorrow--I called Eh Dah Doe and she said she'd call me back and hasn't. Ehne Thau called though and asked if they were coming over on Saturday, and I asked if she could come on Sunday/Monday. She asked her mom and said Yes, then said, "Are we coming to your home on Saturday?" She's funny!
Tonight for dinner we're having pulled pork and sweet potatoes. It's hot, so I wanted to use the crock pot as much as possible. I guess I should go and work on that--think I'll make the sweet potatoes into fries and that takes a longer time to cut them up, so that's all for now.
Today we were having breakfast, drinking coffee (with Oreos), and Dad said, "So, which projects do you want to help me with today, Randy?" The first one he mentioned was intstalling the security light we had bought a couple of years ago above the basement door outside. Randy said, "That'll take about 10 minutes--what's next!" Love that attitude!! :) Then Dad mentioned that I want a screen door in the garage door, but we are hesitant to put one in because it would be a hassle to have to open it when we were bringing groceries in or something. Dad said, "I wish there were pocket screen doors," and I had said earlier, "We need a screen that pulls down like a blind and then you can roll it back up when you're done with it."
So, Dad looked online and sure enough, such a thing exists!! "Secret Screen" that rolls up and is easy to install and got good reviews from all the buyers. Only $59.95 plus shipping (I think) which is well worth it to me!! So they measured and order it--it even comes with a striped screen so that people can see it and not walk through it!! Brilliant!
Abby and I went to return the rolling backpack at Kohl's, to the bank (pay day you know), and then to the Thrift Store to use our $5 off a $10 purchase coupons. We had two, so we HAD to spend at least $20. Not hard at all!! Abby found pink Converse high tops, cute orange sandals, lots of shorts, a top, and a leotard. I got some really cushy comfy black sandals that are almost like egg crates on the bottom, but still look cute--all shoes should have such padding!! Plus some shorts/capris, two work polos for Hannah, a blouse, and some brand new Limited dark wash jeans! We spent $45 but what a lot of great clothes!!
When we got home (with Icees from Sheetz), the light was installed (took a little longer than 10 minutes, but it was done), Dad and Randy were on the roof clearing the gutter, and then they went to Lowe's or Home Depot to get pipe and bricks to deal with the area by the air conditioner/basement door where the dirt and water all collect when it rains really hard. WOW! So many jobs I never would have expected to have them tackle and actually accomplish. It made me realize how nice it is to have a relative who is willing to help, has more experience with house projects, and has the time to tackle them with us. What a huge encouragement to us!! I am grateful!
Yay!! Memorial Day weekend projects are so encouraging because it feels like you're getting a head start on summer--and it still feels like summer. All week it's been in the 80's, and it's supposed to be near 90 Sunday and Monday.
Not sure yet if the Karen girls are coming tomorrow--I called Eh Dah Doe and she said she'd call me back and hasn't. Ehne Thau called though and asked if they were coming over on Saturday, and I asked if she could come on Sunday/Monday. She asked her mom and said Yes, then said, "Are we coming to your home on Saturday?" She's funny!
Tonight for dinner we're having pulled pork and sweet potatoes. It's hot, so I wanted to use the crock pot as much as possible. I guess I should go and work on that--think I'll make the sweet potatoes into fries and that takes a longer time to cut them up, so that's all for now.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Baby Visit and Thoughts on John 6
We went to see Justin and Laura's new baby, Emerson, last night! He's so cute and sweet--even had his eyes open for part of the time we were there. Justin was very wired and excited about their baby--kept saying "when we were pushing..." and Dad said, "Well, mostly Laura I would imagine," and he'd say, "I was helping!!" Laura was very calm and relaxed--Emerson was born on his due date and so was she!
Today I walked first because yesterday I didn't get to, so I wanted to make sure I got it done. Then we cleaned, did some laundry, started to deal with the school room. Dad was supposed to come home early since Uncle Randy is coming, but he got stuck with something at work--always happens when he wants to leave early.
I guess it's good for all of my family that I'm writing this blog--Hannah said she was reminded that today was the day Uncle Randy was coming by reading my blog. Who needs to talk anymore? I'll just write it all out!!
I was encouraged yesterday by reading in John 6 about Jesus feeding the 5,000. I thought about how He knew exactly how He was going to feed all of those people, but He asked the disciples for their ideas first--maybe partly for them to realize just how impossible it would be for them, humanly, to meet that need. Then someone had the boldness to even suggest that a little boy had 5 loaves and 2 fish--which must have been a kind of ridiculous thing to bring up at that point. And yet Jesus used just that ridiculous option to feed more than 5,000 people with 12 baskets leftover. I was applying it to my situation of feeling like all I have to offer is about the equivalent of 5 loaves and 2 fish in terms of work abilities, skills, experience. And yet, if I am willing to bring that to Jesus and let HIM do the using of them, it could easily meet the needs our family has, with lots extra to share with others. So glad God is not limited by our lack of abilities, etc. What counts is our willingness to put what He's given us back into His hands to use as He chooses. Yay, God!!
Today I read about Jesus walking on the water later in John 6. It sounded like the disciples had waited for Jesus, but He didn't come when they expected Him to, so they went ahead without Him. Then they rowed 3-4 miles in strong winds which must have taken a considerable amount of time, and then He showed up totally unexpected and scared them by walking on the water. I was trying to think about how the disciples must have felt--like Jesus didn't keep His promise to come when He said, like He forgot about them, like He wasn't there when they needed Him. But was Jesus wrong? Never. So then when they did see Jesus, and He told them not to be afraid, and they let Him in the boat, immediately, they were at their destination. How cool would that be? I thought about how maybe Jesus wanted to show them Himself in a new way and that involved not being present in the usual way. But when they believed, and weren't afraid, and let Him in the boat, everything changed in a way they could never have imagined. So even if Jesus doesn't "show up" and work in the way we expect, maybe it's because He wants to do something different and new. I hope we are always willing to let God do things HIS way in our lives so that we don't ever miss the opportunity to get to know Him in a bigger, deeper way.
I wonder what time this will say it's posted? My other posts have said they were posted at weird times--just for reference, it's about 3:00pm right now.
Need to go and call the Karen girls to see if they can come over this weekend sometime. Eh Ler was supposed to call me back, but hasn't yet, and I'd like to know for sure. So that's all for now!
Today I walked first because yesterday I didn't get to, so I wanted to make sure I got it done. Then we cleaned, did some laundry, started to deal with the school room. Dad was supposed to come home early since Uncle Randy is coming, but he got stuck with something at work--always happens when he wants to leave early.
I guess it's good for all of my family that I'm writing this blog--Hannah said she was reminded that today was the day Uncle Randy was coming by reading my blog. Who needs to talk anymore? I'll just write it all out!!
I was encouraged yesterday by reading in John 6 about Jesus feeding the 5,000. I thought about how He knew exactly how He was going to feed all of those people, but He asked the disciples for their ideas first--maybe partly for them to realize just how impossible it would be for them, humanly, to meet that need. Then someone had the boldness to even suggest that a little boy had 5 loaves and 2 fish--which must have been a kind of ridiculous thing to bring up at that point. And yet Jesus used just that ridiculous option to feed more than 5,000 people with 12 baskets leftover. I was applying it to my situation of feeling like all I have to offer is about the equivalent of 5 loaves and 2 fish in terms of work abilities, skills, experience. And yet, if I am willing to bring that to Jesus and let HIM do the using of them, it could easily meet the needs our family has, with lots extra to share with others. So glad God is not limited by our lack of abilities, etc. What counts is our willingness to put what He's given us back into His hands to use as He chooses. Yay, God!!
Today I read about Jesus walking on the water later in John 6. It sounded like the disciples had waited for Jesus, but He didn't come when they expected Him to, so they went ahead without Him. Then they rowed 3-4 miles in strong winds which must have taken a considerable amount of time, and then He showed up totally unexpected and scared them by walking on the water. I was trying to think about how the disciples must have felt--like Jesus didn't keep His promise to come when He said, like He forgot about them, like He wasn't there when they needed Him. But was Jesus wrong? Never. So then when they did see Jesus, and He told them not to be afraid, and they let Him in the boat, immediately, they were at their destination. How cool would that be? I thought about how maybe Jesus wanted to show them Himself in a new way and that involved not being present in the usual way. But when they believed, and weren't afraid, and let Him in the boat, everything changed in a way they could never have imagined. So even if Jesus doesn't "show up" and work in the way we expect, maybe it's because He wants to do something different and new. I hope we are always willing to let God do things HIS way in our lives so that we don't ever miss the opportunity to get to know Him in a bigger, deeper way.
I wonder what time this will say it's posted? My other posts have said they were posted at weird times--just for reference, it's about 3:00pm right now.
Need to go and call the Karen girls to see if they can come over this weekend sometime. Eh Ler was supposed to call me back, but hasn't yet, and I'd like to know for sure. So that's all for now!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Today's News
So last night was a long one in the Falls with piano and dance and then more dance until almost 10pm. I went to Marc's though and found some more cool pictures for church for only $9.99, and they were from Kohl's marked $99.99! I got seeds to plant--zinnias and cosmos, my favorite flowers to cut for arrangements.
Then I went to the Falls Library and got several books about finances and women going back to work after being home to raise a family--who know those kind of books even existed? But they seem like they will be very helpful and address some of the issues I have. Like, one minute I feel like I could do anything, and the next minute I feel like I can do nothing, which apparently is fairly common after being out of the "workforce" for a long time. And in my case, I wasn't even in the workforce for very long to start with--but I wouldn't change a thing!! Being home with my dear girls was the best job I could ever imagine, and no other job will ever be as rewarding and enjoyable. However, it might give me a paycheck to help with college and other expenses, and it would definitely give my brain a challenge to keep thinking and not get old and rusty.
After the girls were done with their class, we got Icees and ate them and hung out until Hannah practiced her senior dance from 9-9:40pm. I got to talk to Gina and Kay in some of those times, so that was a nice surprise for me.
Today I went to Urban Vision to talk about the Reading stuff for this summer's four week program. It looks like I'll get to use some of my Aesop's Fables from last summer again. We're meeting again next week to actually plan the four weeks.
It's warm and humid again today--really, it's going to be a shocker when the temperature goes back to normal for May/early June.
Hannah is leaving for work--the president of Panera is supposed to be visiting their store today, so she has to look extra sharp and do an extra-specially good job cleaning the dining room--though I suspect she always does. :)
Justin and Laura had a baby boy yesterday!! We may go to visit them tonight--Justin said they want visitors at the hospital--he's so excited to have their baby!!
So far I've done some laundry and washed sheets--Uncle Randy is coming tomorrow to stay Friday and Saturday nights, so I need to get the basement back in order for him. The Karen girls were down there during the party on Saturday. They may come on Sunday night and spend the night and go to the Memorial Day parade on Monday. That's always fun!
My back was starting to feel like it might give me trouble, but I've been taking care of it by using good posture and not sitting too long, which I think is the culprit sometimes. Spent a lot of time yesterday sitting in the car.
This is ending up being a busier week than I expected--I still haven't tackled the school room disaster area after the party. But still no pressing or urgent stuff--just the usual stuff plus some meetings. Can't complain! It's all good!
Then I went to the Falls Library and got several books about finances and women going back to work after being home to raise a family--who know those kind of books even existed? But they seem like they will be very helpful and address some of the issues I have. Like, one minute I feel like I could do anything, and the next minute I feel like I can do nothing, which apparently is fairly common after being out of the "workforce" for a long time. And in my case, I wasn't even in the workforce for very long to start with--but I wouldn't change a thing!! Being home with my dear girls was the best job I could ever imagine, and no other job will ever be as rewarding and enjoyable. However, it might give me a paycheck to help with college and other expenses, and it would definitely give my brain a challenge to keep thinking and not get old and rusty.
After the girls were done with their class, we got Icees and ate them and hung out until Hannah practiced her senior dance from 9-9:40pm. I got to talk to Gina and Kay in some of those times, so that was a nice surprise for me.
Today I went to Urban Vision to talk about the Reading stuff for this summer's four week program. It looks like I'll get to use some of my Aesop's Fables from last summer again. We're meeting again next week to actually plan the four weeks.
It's warm and humid again today--really, it's going to be a shocker when the temperature goes back to normal for May/early June.
Hannah is leaving for work--the president of Panera is supposed to be visiting their store today, so she has to look extra sharp and do an extra-specially good job cleaning the dining room--though I suspect she always does. :)
Justin and Laura had a baby boy yesterday!! We may go to visit them tonight--Justin said they want visitors at the hospital--he's so excited to have their baby!!
So far I've done some laundry and washed sheets--Uncle Randy is coming tomorrow to stay Friday and Saturday nights, so I need to get the basement back in order for him. The Karen girls were down there during the party on Saturday. They may come on Sunday night and spend the night and go to the Memorial Day parade on Monday. That's always fun!
My back was starting to feel like it might give me trouble, but I've been taking care of it by using good posture and not sitting too long, which I think is the culprit sometimes. Spent a lot of time yesterday sitting in the car.
This is ending up being a busier week than I expected--I still haven't tackled the school room disaster area after the party. But still no pressing or urgent stuff--just the usual stuff plus some meetings. Can't complain! It's all good!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Plans and Lists
Last night Dad and I took a walk and talked a little about my future plans. There are so many options that could be good, but I don't want to waste time on things that aren't the best use of my time. I've committed to teaching an SAT/ACT prep class for BOW next year and also a Physical Science class. So I definitely need to prepare for those this summer. But there's also taking online classes to get my nursing license up to date, doing tutoring, and even Arbonne is a possibility I have never fully ruled out. So I'm praying and starting with what I know...
Today I walked and did the church email, laundry, and went to Giant Eagle and the bank to deposit Hannah's graduation gifts--people were so generous! Dad is planning to come home to go to piano and dance and to take the Saturn to get fixed. Of course, the van must have heard and is jealous, because today the "service engine soon" light came on when I drove it!
The Peters are getting some concrete leveled at their house on their walk by their garage, so I went down and asked someone to look at our spot by the garage that is sunken--he said we needed to do it soon so that whole section of the driveway doesn't crack--so that has gone on the June to-do list.
I started one of those today since May is coming to an end, and we did most of those things on that list. There's always lots to do in the summer when I have more time without the school schedule. I know you're dying to know some of the things...
Re-arrange Abby's room and Hannah's room--they're ready for some different furniture arrangements.
Re-arrange the school room--Abby didn't use it much at all for school last year, so I may move my beads back there. Would love to move the computer too, but I don't know if there's enough room for both.
Clean carpets, touch up stain on the deck and porch railing, and the biggest of all--paint the garage inside and the floor of the garage too. At least it would be done and hopefully still look nice for Abby's graduation party in two years! When we were cleaning it, it was obvious it really needs paint!
But I'm trying to just put things on the list and not get frustrated that everything needs to be done NOW--I keep remembering that "you'll always feel encouraged if you're making progress" so I need to just make progress and not get overwhelmed. Because really, nothing has to be done now--I just wish it were!
Off to make some sandwiches for dinner tonight!
Today I walked and did the church email, laundry, and went to Giant Eagle and the bank to deposit Hannah's graduation gifts--people were so generous! Dad is planning to come home to go to piano and dance and to take the Saturn to get fixed. Of course, the van must have heard and is jealous, because today the "service engine soon" light came on when I drove it!
The Peters are getting some concrete leveled at their house on their walk by their garage, so I went down and asked someone to look at our spot by the garage that is sunken--he said we needed to do it soon so that whole section of the driveway doesn't crack--so that has gone on the June to-do list.
I started one of those today since May is coming to an end, and we did most of those things on that list. There's always lots to do in the summer when I have more time without the school schedule. I know you're dying to know some of the things...
Re-arrange Abby's room and Hannah's room--they're ready for some different furniture arrangements.
Re-arrange the school room--Abby didn't use it much at all for school last year, so I may move my beads back there. Would love to move the computer too, but I don't know if there's enough room for both.
Clean carpets, touch up stain on the deck and porch railing, and the biggest of all--paint the garage inside and the floor of the garage too. At least it would be done and hopefully still look nice for Abby's graduation party in two years! When we were cleaning it, it was obvious it really needs paint!
But I'm trying to just put things on the list and not get frustrated that everything needs to be done NOW--I keep remembering that "you'll always feel encouraged if you're making progress" so I need to just make progress and not get overwhelmed. Because really, nothing has to be done now--I just wish it were!
Off to make some sandwiches for dinner tonight!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Feels like Summer
This week feels like summer has arrived all in a few days with 80-85 degree days, sunshine, and warm breezes. Kinda nice because I feel like the lazy days of summer even though it's only May! Last night we watched the season finale of Chuck which was so amazingly well done--suspense, surprises, but nice closure on some things and lots of new questions we're waiting to have answered next season.
Today I walked by myself (too hot for Greta) and prayed and had some time to think--the Reflected Life is important to me, you know. Then Hannah and Abby and I went to Berean to look for Bibles for them, but they didn't find just what they wanted. I read some of Dave Ramsey's new book which is always inspiring to keep going with the Baby Steps and meeting those goals. Paid bills, ate lunch, started a book from the library called "The Average Family's Guide to Financial Freedom" which seems like it might be good. Since we're having leftover lasagna from the party for dinner, I might even go outside and read for a while before dinner. Nothing planned for tonight--weird to have a Tuesday free and not have to volunteer at Urban Vision.
I've been working on my flyers for tutoring this summer. I'd like to get them out this week. Thinking of going with M.Y. Study Skills as the name(you girls kind of came up with that at dinner before you left!). Hard to get motivated to jump into the next thing when I'm still so tired from the last things, but I know I need to.
Randy is coming on Friday to stay until Sunday so I know I need to get things put back together by then!
Well, dear reader, I guess I'll go and enjoy the sunshine and read while I can before dinner!
Today I walked by myself (too hot for Greta) and prayed and had some time to think--the Reflected Life is important to me, you know. Then Hannah and Abby and I went to Berean to look for Bibles for them, but they didn't find just what they wanted. I read some of Dave Ramsey's new book which is always inspiring to keep going with the Baby Steps and meeting those goals. Paid bills, ate lunch, started a book from the library called "The Average Family's Guide to Financial Freedom" which seems like it might be good. Since we're having leftover lasagna from the party for dinner, I might even go outside and read for a while before dinner. Nothing planned for tonight--weird to have a Tuesday free and not have to volunteer at Urban Vision.
I've been working on my flyers for tutoring this summer. I'd like to get them out this week. Thinking of going with M.Y. Study Skills as the name(you girls kind of came up with that at dinner before you left!). Hard to get motivated to jump into the next thing when I'm still so tired from the last things, but I know I need to.
Randy is coming on Friday to stay until Sunday so I know I need to get things put back together by then!
Well, dear reader, I guess I'll go and enjoy the sunshine and read while I can before dinner!
Monday, May 24, 2010
A Fresh Attempt at Blogging
I'm going to try again to blog regularly for my reader of one so that you can keep up with the little things in Yackley life that would otherwise get lost in the days to come. It feels like nothing big or exciting happens daily around here, but I know that three months is too long to miss out on the regular stuff of life, so I'm going to try to be faithful to keep you in the loop.
Today, for instance, I am recuperating from throwing Hannah's graduation bash--it was fun to see so many people and I think she had the same feeling of weirdness in having so many groups of people from so many different parts of life come to our house at the same time. All for HER!
I took a walk this morning and met Veena on the way, so we had a nice chat. And I've caught up on email finally. I'm starting to think about the classes I'm teaching this fall--I looked at our SAT book and had the feeling, "What was I thinking?!" But I believe it's something that God wants me to do and so I'm going for it, along with a Physical Science class too.
I'm thinking about rearranging the school room into an office/bead room, and Abby wants to bunk the beds in her room, so it seems like we'll have lots to keep up busy in the days to come.
OK, my computer-ADHDness is happening and I feel like I have to get going and do something else, so that's it for now!
Today, for instance, I am recuperating from throwing Hannah's graduation bash--it was fun to see so many people and I think she had the same feeling of weirdness in having so many groups of people from so many different parts of life come to our house at the same time. All for HER!
I took a walk this morning and met Veena on the way, so we had a nice chat. And I've caught up on email finally. I'm starting to think about the classes I'm teaching this fall--I looked at our SAT book and had the feeling, "What was I thinking?!" But I believe it's something that God wants me to do and so I'm going for it, along with a Physical Science class too.
I'm thinking about rearranging the school room into an office/bead room, and Abby wants to bunk the beds in her room, so it seems like we'll have lots to keep up busy in the days to come.
OK, my computer-ADHDness is happening and I feel like I have to get going and do something else, so that's it for now!
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