Never feel like I have much to say, but I did laugh at something the other night at dinner and KT said, "You should put that in your blog." So here goes...
Our A/C wasn't working right and I was worried that it would be a big repair bill after having to replace our refrigerator this summer too. Fortunately, Jeff looked at it and it was only a fuse that he was able to replace with very little cost. At dinner I told him I was glad he had that electrical engineering degree so he can fix fuses and stuff like that... He said he's glad I have that nursing degree because it comes in handy everyday.... I said, "Yeah, that was good training for learning to wait on people hand and foot!"
Our dog, Greta, finally came home from my mom's after being there 2 weeks for our vacation. I thought she'd be happy to see us, but she seems kind of miffed that we left her. It's been four days and she still seems a little aloof--unless I take her for a walk. Guess my mom was right when she said, "You can't put a person like that in a kennel!"
I've been feeling kind of sad for some friends who are going through marriage struggles and other family issues. There are so many people hurting and so little we can do to really help them. But we are praying and trying to be available to be supportive.
I've been very refreshed these past few weeks by walking every morning and using that time to pray for anything that comes to mind. I'm hoping I can continue that after school starts, but it's always hard when the schedule changes. I'm going to try though!
Guess I need to go and start dinner--sometimes I think a home ec degree would have been more useful to me now!
ya, Greta's stopped being aloof with me, she snuggles with me everyday when I read or do my qt...I love those kind of walks. now when I go walking, sometimes it's for a certain thing I was trying to figure out, or just for some prayer time. I love it.
I'd like walking too maybe if I ever did...too much babysitting. I can't wait to get settled in the new school routine! I just hope I'm only working as much as I was last year.
melissa, i love that you're blogging. you are always such an encouragement and i love that you remind me to be diligent in prayer and faith. hugs.
Nusing and enineering between the two of you, you can make one heck of a Bio-Electrical thingy. Walks and Prayer lead to silent inspiration... The lord hear and answer every childs prayer. Even if they are just walking and praying. :)
Well, Mom, it's been a month and a week, maybe I'll get on your case to post again.
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