Saturday, August 07, 2010

One more sleep til Katie comes home!!

Just a quick post on the last day before Katie comes home!! We are getting ready by trying to get done all those things that we've been putting off! Actually, it's nice to finally have a free day to do some of them. Right now Jeff is down in the basement trying to chip off some of the ice that has built up around the edge of the freezer door. It was really bad and on my list all summer. But, thankfully, he is tackling it. I saw a hammer, screwdriver or two in his hands!

Last night was Chris and Rosie's wedding, and it was lovely!! Outdoors at Stan Hywet with perfect weather (except for those of us in the sun--the shade was perfect). Rosie was beautiful, and Chris looked dashing! There are pictures! The reception was fun, and the food was delicious. Everything seemed to go smoothly from what I could tell. We got to sit with the Eatons and Himelrights which was a lot of fun of course. I also got to catch up with Beth some which was great.

Today we got to sleep in until we woke up! One of the few times I've done that this summer. It meant we got a late start, but we went for a walk and have been checking things off the list. The school room is pretty organized, and I need to order school stuff, but need Jeff's help with that to make sure I do it right.

I CAN'T WAIT to see Katie tomorrow!! Now that it's so close, I just want it to be SUNDAY at 6pm!! I am praying hard for her safe trip and easy travel and no delays or problems.

Well, I said it would be quick, and I guess it will because Jeff wants me to come and take everything out of the freezer with him--that's more ambitious than I was feeling today, but I guess it's good to do it. I'm sure we'll be throwing a lot away that's buried at the bottom. So here goes!!

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