Thursday, July 22, 2010

A Rambling Bunch of Random Thoughts

Well, it's been a fast week. Why was it that last week at LT by Monday it felt like we had been there for weeks? Probably because we packed so much into each day. This week the days have gone by fast, but I haven't accomplished much. That feels like the theme of this summer, and I don't know why.

Today I did go to the Thrift Store to use my $5 off a $10 purchase coupon! Yay! I got two purses, a laptop bag of sorts, several swimsuits for the Karen girls, a pair of comfy shoes I hope I can use in NYC for walking and not looking like I'm wearing white tennis shoes like the ultimate Ohio tourist!

I also arranged with Meme to pick up Greta on Saturday in Wooster. I miss that little dog! I think Meme will miss her too when we get her back. She said she follows her around and sleeps in Meme's bedroom on the floor. She is a nice buddy to have around.

Let's see, Tuesday night our "debriefing" meeting for LT went well. We leaders all got to hear everyone's stories about several situations and got a better understanding where we were all coming from. So we're all OK with each other and everything. There are a few situations that still need to be addressed. Never had so much follow-up to do after an LT before. But there wasn't the reproof I expected! :) I think we've all learned a lot about giving grace.

Wednesday, we had Toby here from about 9am-12pm so Abby could babysit for him. Hannah and I went through her list of things we need to do before school starts. I made her an appointment to get her hair cut before NYC and an appointment for her immunizations. I signed Abby up for driving school. She's going to Myers because our other favorite place moved to Barberton and Myers was cheaper and closer. So that starts next week for four hours three mornings a week. It's a long time, but she'll be done in two weeks (6 days total). And then she has to do the driving, but that probably won't be until after school starts. I also worked on the syllabus for the science and ACT/SAT classes. So I guess I did accomplish something--all mental stuff I guess.

Did I say that Tuesday I went to Angie's for the morning? With Alycia. I got to feed Emily and hold her a bunch. She's so sweet--well, of course they both are! They are getting so big and filling out with little chubby cheeks and double chins!! You won't believe it when you see them! Maybe we can all go over some day when you get home and hang out with them. And Zakk and Derek too. Derek copies everything Zakk does--the good, the bad, and the ugly. :)

Today Abby and I charted out her possible week during the school year to see if she could even possibly work even a couple of nights a week. She's thinking about if she wants to continue with piano too. It was OK when she went with Hannah and she could do a lesson every other week, but to have to go every week and practice so much....And I'd feel bad asking Ted to keep a spot open for us and only use it every other week when he could be making more money during that time with an every week lesson. Something to think more about. Plus, she'll have two days of going to BOW instead of one. And UV takes a whole afternoon. So as it is, she'd only have Thursday and Friday to just do school. If she worked, that would cut those days short too. Hmm...School does come first and she'll have a full load this year for sure!

Maybe we'll just have to pray for a lot of babysitting jobs to fund her football games, movies, Starbucks trips! Mary Ann did call tonight for us to water their stuff and feed their pond fish while they're gone and they'll pay for that. I feel like I can't imagine how I could work even now during the summer, let alone during the school year! Well, I told God today that I'm glad we have Him as our Father and that He's promised to provide for us.

Well, I'm sure you're tired of reading my ramblings now, dear reader! This was a very disjointed post, but it's how my brain is working these days. Oh, funny example of my goofy brain: Tuesday night I made the black bean and rice stuff that we eat with tortillas. I was cleaning up as usual and took out two for Dad's lunch and put them in a separate ziploc bag. The next day we went to make lunch and couldn't find the tortillas. Not in the frig anywhere, not in the cupboard with the chips, nowhere to be found. We thought maybe Dad had accidentally taken both bags with his lunch. But that night he said no. So today, Thursday, I was at the Thrift Store when Hannah called and said she found the tortillas--in the drawer with the plastic wrap and ziploc bags! I had gotten things out of that drawer and didn't see them. Thankfully they aren't perishable!! Oh my....

So, tomorrow I tutor Sarah in the morning and we have small group in the evening--with our none-too-small-group!! Around 20 with kids now. Hoping to have the Karen girls over Saturday, but Eh Ler hasn't returned my calls today. Our youth group thing Saturday got canceled due to lack of initiative with our church initiative! Ironic...So that's all for now.


Kaite said...

1. The tortilla thing is awesome. Definitely made me laugh out loud.
2. Sounds like you're keeping busy and I can see why the days go by "without getting anything accomplished."
3. I can't wait to meet the twins! I just realized I don't know how they're spelling [heI li] so phonetic transcription will just have to is Hailey/Hailee/Hayli, right?
4. I'm glad the leader's meeting went well and that everyone is at peace.
5. The youth group thing getting cancelled IS quite ironic.


Kaite said...

1. The tortilla thing is awesome. Definitely made me laugh out loud.
2. Sounds like you're keeping busy and I can see why the days go by "without getting anything accomplished."
3. I can't wait to meet the twins! I just realized I don't know how they're spelling [heI li] so phonetic transcription will just have to is Hailey/Hailee/Hayli, right?
4. I'm glad the leader's meeting went well and that everyone is at peace.
5. The youth group thing getting cancelled IS quite ironic.


Melissa said...

Hailey is spelled like that. You will absolutely love them...they are so very sweet and lovable. As are the boys--they are just harder to catch to snuggle with!