Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day

So, I guess it's good when I don't do too many exciting things, because when we're busier I have less time to blog. Too busy DOING things to write about them. Sunday was a blur of church (even though we slept in and only went to one service), going to Paige's grad party, then skyping with Katie (yay! Sooo good to see her face!), and making myself prep food for the Karen girls' visit. I just found out right after church that they were coming so I didn't want to make a lot of food if they weren't coming. Then going to pick them up, finishing the dinner (at like 7:15pm after going to Giant Eagle to get more food and movies), and cleaning up the dinner! Whew! We walked and watched "The Spy Next Door" with Jackie Chan which they were really excited to watch, and I wasn't expecting to like it that much, but I did. Then getting everyone ready for bed which is always the hardest time for me--I'm tired and have to get out sheets, pillows, toothbrushes, etc. But thankfully, Hannah and Abby helped out by staying up with them a little and making sure everyone was settled before they came upstairs--Team Work!!

Today we went to the Memorial Day parade which started out sunny and hot and ended with a huge thunderstorm with blowing rain. Of course just when we were stuck in traffic coming home, I realized that our bedroom windows were wide open upstairs!! But since there was nothing I could do about it, I just said, "Oh well.." When we got home, everything was dry--really was amazing--like a Memorial Day Miracle!!

We ate hot dogs, chili, french fries, watermelon for lunch which seemed to take a really long time to get ready since I had to make them in the toaster oven instead of Jeff grilling them since it was raining. I helped Eh Ler with an essay for school and Jeff helped Hser Lar Moo set up her computer (new laptop). Then we started reading The View from Saturday as our new read-aloud book, and we took them home. AFTER a few minutes of "face time" with Katie on skype!!

Then cleaning up--the ants followed the candy bags from the parade into the house--yuck! Hannah was chasing them down with the vacuum though, and it seems she has conquered them for now. We watched "The Princess and the Frog" since we got it with the Karen girls, but several of them had already seen it--I liked it more than I thought I would too. And ABBY and Dad drove the movies back the Red Box--they just arrived home safe and sound!! A successful driving trip!

Now a late dinner of leftovers and hopefully a walk if it doesn't rain--it cleared up, but is now REALLY muggy--not as warm, but way more uncomfortable. So far no AC, but we'll see how long the humidity lasts--it's way worse to me than the mid-80s we had last week. Good weekend overall!!


Kaite said...

Sounds like lots of work but lots of fun! I'm guessing our humidity is about equal with a 40 degree temperature range...haha. :) Love you. :)

Melissa said...

Yikes! I guess I'll take the heat!